14 :: Shall I Comfort You? No? M'kay...

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             ➥ THIS FEELING... IS


             "I should really try getting closer to them..."

You mumbled, staring at your hands as you sat down at the ground. It's been 2 days already and you haven't gone trying to make a proper conversation with the two teenagers, and it's driving you crazy.

In this adventure of going back home, well... at least the two teenagers going back to their home... you have to create a bond for them, so they could rely on you! You're the older one, after all!

             "Grr...! If only I could think of a proper conversation starter...!"

             "What are you doing, Hawks-san?"

You stopped in your mumbling when an annoyed yet monotonous voice of Monoma Neito rang in your ears.

             "Ah!? Ah... oh I'm just..."

             '... thinking how to get closer with you two...?'

             "Don't tell me you're fooling yourself again? We have chores to do..."

Even he looks so tired with all the chores the beast of a woman order around... but free housing means free labour... ugh fuck Garp, you cursed in your head.

             "R-right! I'm sorry, It's just that... there's a lot in my mind and I can't seem to sort them all out!"

Sighing loudly, your wings rattled a little as you stretched it for a moment to release the tension in your body. But alas, not even a simple stretching could save you from the nerves that is piling up one another like homeworks in your study table, if you have one at the moment...


Monoma is not someone you could easily talk, so that's why, you're hesitating to tell him all of the thoughts that keeps bugging you.

The younger blond is, after all, a walking salt man. He's a petty lil hoe, who can hold grudges well to the point that it probably last a lifetime.

Maybe that's why people view him as a narcissistic asshole...


             "... y'know you could share it."

You freezes for a moment, then slowly looked at the blond who narrowed his eyes at you.

It was silent at first, with you staring at him with an incredulous look before broking into a small grin.

             "Ah... well..."

How awkward.

You never even expected for him to willingly listen to you, anyways! And it was so... weird. But you guessed that even if the person has tried to close their heart so they won't be hurt, at least they will try to help either way.

How cute...

             "... it's just that, this whole situation we are right now is... certainly bizarre... no...? And uh... the fact that I supposed to not know anything..."

You waited for a moment to see if Monoma would speak up, but instead, the blond merely waited at you to finish your sentence.

You faltered for a moment, before straightening yourself.

             "... don't you have this feeling as if I know you before?"


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