✨ Special Chapter ✨

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➢ What if... instead of One Piece, our poor isekai protagonist, Hawks, got sent to a world full of manifestations of negative energies, known as curses?

A.k.a Hawks got isekai'd(?) to Jujutsu Kaisen instead of One Piece.

(Disclaimer that I may put some wrong info's since I literally just made this based on my brain and no researching so... yeah. And the setting of this chapter is kinda based of my Demon Slayer knowledge abt the Taisho era, soooo... anyways... happy reading ig???)


What are the odds of suddenly waking up next to a stinky trash pile?

With a wings attached to your back???

Close to zero.

You don't believe that the whole world around you don't notice your exotic presence the moment you stepped out of that shady alleyway.

What's with this place having such an old style buildings? As if... you're in some sort of taisho japanese era's or something...

... why couldn't you touch anyone...?

Now huddled up in a rooftop om somebody's home, sulking at your predicament, you let out a shaky sigh after a long mental breakdown you had that lasted 2 hours straight.

Did you perhaps become a ghost? But you could still interact with physical objects... perhaps a poltergeist?

You don't really want to believe it.

Did you really died? For you to come back as a ghost who hunts the living beings for amusement and sick satisfaction?

At least you got a pretty face instead of those weird, pale, fleshy and transparent one.

But weirdly enough, it felt as if you're still... you. The same boring man who easily gets overwhelmed, you think?

It seems that your theory that you have died is kind if true, due to your memories being blurry as it was.

And another thing is... you don't feel the urge of getting revenge. Not seeking chaos amongst the mortals below.

And to be honest, you're at least grateful to not have these urges.

Whatever, you thought. First things first is to go back to where you woke up. Perhaps you could find something that had caused you to become like this.


What you have found is not what you really expected.

Gliding through the air felt nice, and perhaps if you didn't followed your curiosity and let yourself soar through the sky without no worries, you wouldn't feel the sudden grief that overtook your senses.

Not far from where you laid before, is the unrecognizable face of someone who was beaten up to death. Slumped in the wall, hidden from the eyes who is simply passing by.

With a shaky hand, and a wobbling knees who immediately give in, kneeling to the ground, you reached for the person's bloody attire, searching for anything that identified themselves.

It seems the attackers is quiet careless, to leave such important information about their victim...

A picture, of a young blond man smiling brightly. Next to him is a face the same as his, except his doppelganger is grinning widely with his eyes closed.

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