15 :: Cute

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             ➥ EVERYTHING IS CUTE!
             ONES. YOU KNOW WHO.


Monoma seethed at the sight of towering dirty dishes. The foul smell making him throw up the food he just ate earlier as he grimaced, comical green lines start appearing on his face.

Shinso is no different, except he kept his stoic persona as if he wasn't bothered at the amount of this bullshit.

But alas, in the end, both teens is disturbed over the sight, while you're wailing outside Dadan's house, screaming bloody murder.

Well... how did this happened exactly?

After that small little flight with little Ace in your arms (who, by the way, always attempt to punch or kick you), you arrived back at your temporary home.

Ace scurried away to who knows where, like a tiny rat he is... a tiny cute rat. Tiny little cute tsundere rat... tiny-

             "Tell me why are we agreeing on this?"

Monoma slowly asked, his face dead and soulless as he joined Shinso on starting to clean a mountain of dishes that is sure to make their arms dead and unresponsive by the time they have finished.

             "Because... he was our only ticket out of here..."

Both fell silent, scrubbing and washing each plates one by one.

             "There's something off putting about him, y'know...? I felt like I knew him before, but... I don't know it's just so strange."

Shinso said, while Monoma looked at him strangely.

             "Weird. Earlier noon, he come up to me after muttering strange things, like usual... and then suddenly asked me if I knew him before."

They both heard your wailing grew faint just right after Monoma stopped talking.

The purple haired male is not very sure whether he trust you or not. To him, you have this weird vibe as if you know them and knew something else, add the fact that you have strange habits of getting lost in thoughts and started talking out of nowhere to no one.

Not to mention that one time where you just flew away, not saying anything and right after that a strange tornado appeared on the mountain.


But since you knew them, and the fact that even if you're so awkward and definitely strange, he was a bit relieve that you even try to at least protect them from the foolish behaviors of those stupid marines.

Call him stupid, but he was a teenager for god sake. He was not prepared to be in this type of situation.

             "Shinso? Are you just gonna stand there and stare into nothing?"

Monoma's annoyed voice snapped him out of his thoughts. His vision clearing up as he stared at the sponge bubbles on his hand.

             "... of course not. You people in the heroics class have that tone every time huh?"

He snapped back, also annoyed now while Monoma sneered.

             "What do you mean, gen-ed kid?"

Both stared at one another, their grip to the sponges hard and strong.

             "I meant what I said, Monoma-kun."

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