5 :: Red With Blue

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             ➥ I DON'T RECALL THE TIME
             IN MY TEARS


The bad day is finally over. Well technically not much of bad day. You got adopted by one and only Garp with the reason of your potential getting wasted, and getting out of that island pretty quickly.

And as much as you wanted to stay for the sake of getting too many screentime with our lovable and idiot of a main protagonist, you value your life!

It's not very noticeable but it's as if bad luck follows you. And because of that there's a high chance you fail at every goddamn thing that involves fighting and all that crap.

But perhaps... this time lady luck will smile on you because you're crying right now. You hated how you look so pathetic in the eyes of the universe.

             "Dont be a pussy now...! This time... take it slowly, you dumb fuck. Let yourself get familiarized. And soon, you can fly however you want!"

You encouraged yourself, well... tried to. But hey! At least you get some approving nods from the crew that decided to keep an eye on you while your grandpa is out somewhere doing who knows what.

Probably snoozing once again...

             "You can do it, Hawky! Go go go!"

Jack-Jack and his friend who you learned that his name was Crowley, encouraged you, pumping their arms in the air as you snorted lightly, feeling better that they at least tried to encourage you.

Okay... so you then lightly flapped your wings, and jumped here and there. And even if your heart hammering like a drum, you immediately  sprang high much to everyone's shock as you landed on your feet this time.

Not bad at all.

It continued to the point the crew got entertained seeing you jump around while flapping your wings like a bird practicing in their nest. And some pointed out that you look like a bunny doing so.

You only took no offense in comparing you to cute animals. In fact, it flattered you.

And since it gets pretty boring easily, you proposed the idea to dance around in the meantime while you are getting yourself familiarized on how to properly use your wings.

             "Let me get the music guys!"

Loud cheers soon followed. And they roared even loudly when another part of the crew, Simon, told everyone this is now party.

You stood in the sideline, confused yet amused. You only proposed the idea to dance around aimlessly so everyone can do something other than watching you take baby steps  into using your wings.

But now? It turned into a party instead in an excuse of "properly welcoming Vice Admiral Garp's new grandson".

Well at least nobody is questioning if you remembered little bits of your past. Because even you dont know. Or at least, still dont remember. Besides some few snippets of you having a friends, which is obviously fortunate.

And besides, even if you did remember you will still keep the fact that this world is supposed to be a fictional world in your world.

Talk about skepticism and distrust. And even call you a liar like that... umm... who is he again? Nolan? Blegh... you dont even have the energy to think about it.

For now, let's just enjoy the lively atmosphere-


A loud slam echoed through the deck as everyone stood froze, the music continued to play until the one in charge of it stopped the vinyl.

As The Winged Hero [REBOOT]Where stories live. Discover now