7 :: Who is Who

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             ➥ ... HAVE YOU LOOKED IN THE
             WHO DO YOU SEE? YOUR
             REFLECTION? OR YOUR ENEMY...?


Too late to even process what's happening.

You're supposed to stay on the ship and take a small nap, how the hell did you ended up in a middle of a stupid fight between a foolish boy and a bunch of armed marines-

Wait a damn minute...

Different colored hair means an important character... so-

Holy shit... holy fucking shit.

             "This... ah... what the fuck is going on...?"

Your mind is on daze, staring at the boy glaring at you with hatred.

Just seeing his eyes glaring down at you make you shiver in fear. Does he remembers? Or... does he suspect you? Oh god, you're not updated to whatever happened in the manga because once again your mind is scrambled once again to even think if you remembered the events.

Oh god this can't be happening-

             "Who the hell are you!? Are you with them!?"

Shit shit shit shit shit shit shit SHIT- THINK!!!

If Hawks is in your position right now what will he do!? Nonchalantly lie or hurriedly tell the truth!? Oh god what if he- JUST STOP WORRYING-

Wait... he doesn't know...? Wait what the hell is happening-


You dumbly said, staring at him with wide eyes and confusion. Isn't Hawks popular both on the "real" world and in the bnha universe?

So how come... Shinso Hitoshi doesn't know a very popular pro hero named Hawks of all people!?

And because of that, you unwillingly got brainwashed to do Shinso's bidding when you replied to his question, or more like squeaked out a sound or something...

And while your brain was being controlled, Shinso was using you for an escape, and he was really surprised to see you move so fast, and agile. You get a number of your friends down.

Or Garp's crew...

So that means, Shinso is right about you being a fighter. After all, you're too eye catching from the group of bland marines, who is desperately trying to fend off your brutal attacks and Shinso's skills on using the capture weapons given to him by his mentor.

             "Hawks!? What the hell are you doing!?"

             "Shit- he's too strong! I can't believe this...!"

             "Goddamn it call Garp already!"

So your name is Hawks, he noted. He looked to see your blank expression is staring at him, with those dull brown irises piercing his own, as if staring at his very own soul...

Yet despite your attention at him, your body was quickly moving from the bullets and attacks thrown at you. Shinso's furrowed his eyebrows.

He knew something is wrong, very wrong, and he didn't liked it. He should go get his companion...

He quickly weaved his way out from the Marines clutches as he disappeared from alleyways towards the forest, and because the marines not knowing to do and what danger they face.

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