Welcome to Night Raven College

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"I better hurry up and find that uniform before someone spots me", a voice said, causing Evelyn to open her eyes, "urgggh... this lid weighs a ton... try this on for size", Blue fire appeared in Evelyn's vision as whatever darkness she was in disappeared, "now to grab the goods... what, you ain't supposed to be awake",

"A talking cat... not surprised", Evelyn said

"How... how DARE YOU, I am no CAT, I'm Grim, sorcerer extraordinaire", Grim stated, "tch, whatever, you... human, just gimme your uniform, and be quick about it, cause if you don't... you're gonna regret it",

"How about... no", Evelyn said, ignoring the blue flames Grim was sending out

"Hey, come on, I'm on a tight schedule here", Grim said, shooting blue fire at Evelyn who was quick to dodge and flee the room, as she ran, she noticed her surroundings, wherever she was at, she didn't know

"This isn't Royal Sword", Evelyn muttered, hiding in the library, only for Grim to find her

"Foolish Human, did you really think you could slip away from me", Grim asked, "now, unless you wanna get burned to a crisp, take off that...", something hit Grim, "Me-YEOW, that hurt, what gives",

"Consider it tough love", the man said, turning his head toward Evelyn, "Ah, I've found you at last, splendid, I trust you're one of this year's new students, my, you were eager to make your debut, and bringing a poorly trained familiar with you, that is a clear violation of the school's rules",

"As if I'd serve some lowly human, now lemme go", Grim said, thrashing around the man's grip

"Yes, yes, rebellious familiars always say that do be quiet for a bit, won't you", the man asked, silencing Grim, "dear me, of all the students I've dealt with, you're the first with temerity enough to open their own gate and step out of it, does this very notion of patience elude you, no matter, your orientation has already begun, let us return to the Mirror Chamber",

"Umm... he's not my familiar", Evelyn said

"Now's not the time to prattle", the man stated, "you've a student orientation to attend, go on, now, make haste",

"Where am I", Evelyn asked, following the man toward the Mirror Chamber

"Have you not fully regained consciousness, the timespace teleportation must have addled your memories", the man explained, "this is Night Raven College, it is an institution for students who demonstrate a rare aptitude of magic, it is the most prestigious academy of its sort in all of Twisted Wonderland, and I am Dire Crowley, the headmage of this school, students are brought here by the Ebony Carraige, one should have come to meet you",

"I remember a black carriage... but, I don't think I'm supposed to be here", Evelyn muttered

"Hey, does anyone know where the headmage went", a voice asked, gaining Evelyn's attention, "he disappeared midway through the ceremony

"Maybe he had a tummyache", a voice announced as Crowley entered the room

"I most certainly did not", Crowley stated

"Ah, speak of the devil", a red-haired boy said

"If you must know, I was searching for the new student who'd failed to show for orientation", Crowley announced, all eyes were on Evelyn, which she was thankful for the hoods on the robes she wore, "you are the only one who has yet to be assigned a dorm, step up to the Dark Mirror, and be quick about it, I'll watch your weasel",

"Again, not mine", Evelyn stated as she approached the mirror, where a familiar face appeared

"State your name", the Dark Mirror asked

"Evelyn", Evelyn said

"Evelyn... the nature of your soul...", the Dark Mirror said, "I sense powerful magic... any dorm would fit, but picking one would be hard",

the Dark Mirror disappeared, a pen with a dark purple gem appeared for Evelyn

"Now this is strange, the student selection process has not erred once in its century of existence, how could this have happened", Crowley asked

"Probably cause I'm not supposed to be here", Evelyn said, taking off the hood, then whispers filled the room, mainly of Evelyn being there, a girl in an all-male school, through all the whispers, Grim managed to speak up

"Let me have this student's seat", Grim asked, getting out of Crowley's grasp, "Look, I'll show you, my spells are the cat's meow",

"Everyone get down", the red-haired boy shouted as Grim sent blue fire out around the Mirror Chamber,

"Someone catch that blasted animal before it sets the entire school ablaze", Crowley shouted

"Ugh, can I go now or...", a boy with ears began

"Leo", Evelyn thought

"Oh, I thought you fancied yourself a hunter, go and help yourself to that plump little morsel", a handsome boy said

"Too much effort, do it yourself", the boy with ears stated

"Yep, that's Leo", Evelyn thought

"Allow me to handle this, Headmage Crowley", a boy with glasses asked, "if none of you are up to the task of catching a small animal, I will accept the responsibility",

"WTG, Azul, rackin up those participation credits", a voice from a tablet asked

"Idia", Evelyn thought

"Riddle, would you be so kind", Azul asked, looking at the red-haired boy

"Furry miscreant, I will abide no rule-breaking, you will be judged by my hand, OFF WITH YOUR HEAD", Riddle shouted as a heart-shaped collar appeared around Grim's neck

"MYAH, what are you doing", Grim shouted

"The Queen of Hearts's Rule 23, "One must never bring a cat to a formal affair", Riddle stated, "your very presence here is a violation of order, you will vacate the premises immediately",

"But I ain't a cat", Grim complained

"Ha-ha, good show as always, Riddle, your signature spell locks down any magic, it's quite handy", Azul complimented, "I've just got to have it, ah, I mean, I've just got to have respect for it",

"Evelyn, was I not clear that you are expected to take responsibility for your familiar", Crowley stated

"For the last time, he is not mine", Evelyn shouted

"Oh... is that so, then I shall have it expelled from campus, I shall even spare it from being served as dinner", Crowley explained, "but, I am kind, someone take him away, please",

"Nooooo, let me goooo", Grim shouted as he was dragged away, "you fools better remember my name, cause I'm gonna go down in the annals of magic history, just you wait",

"I feel sorry for him", Evelyn thought as the door shut behind Grim

"Well, that was quite the unexpected fracas, I hereby declare that orientation has concluded", Crowley announced, "Housewardens, please escort your students back to the dorms... come to think of it, I don't see Housewarden Draconia of House Diasomnia anywhere",

"Malleus is here too", Evelyn thought

"Wait a sec... did anyone even invite him", a white-haired boy asked as more whispers came around about Housewarden Draconia, not long after, all the students were gone, Evelyn and Crowley were the only ones left

"Well, this is a most unfortunate turn of events", Crowley said

"Look, sir, I'm supposed to be at Royal Sword Academy, is there anyway to transfer there", Evelyn asked

"There might, but it will take some time, for now, you have no choice but to attend here", Crowley said as Evelyn sighed, "as for where you'll be staying, we have a vacant building on campus, it was used as a dorm long ago, with proper cleaning, it should be habitable enough, out of the profound kindness of my heart, I will allow you to live there for the time being",

"Thank you", Evelyn said

"Well then, i shall take you to your dorm straight away", Crowley said as he began walking out of the Mirror Chamber, Evelyn following behind

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