Security Breached

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A/n- before we begin, I just want to let you all know, I have a translation app that works well, meaning that this story will continue without the wait for English lines, I might have to change a few things once the chapters come out, but the wait is over... and to make up for the long wait, I will write about the side stories of the game in another story, be on the lookout for it in the future.


A mirror began to glow although it wasn't seen... Evelyn found herself in an old city, Thebes; standing in an hidden cave overlooking the city, Hades, Megara, Pain, and Panic were there, Hades' henchman burned to a crisp but still alive, Hercules merch in their hands.

"Looks like your games over, Wonderboy's hitting every curve you throw at him", Meg stated, walking away and over to the edge, staring at a man, Hercules, but a grin appeared on Hades' face.

"Oh yeah... I wonder if maybe I haven't been throwing the right curves at him, Meg, my sweet", Hades stated as Meg looked at him, a mixture of rage and disgust on her face.

"Don't even go there", Meg stated, walking away.

"See, he's gotta have a weakness, because everyone's got a weakness", Hades explained, "I mean for what, Pandora, it was the box thing, and the Trojans, hey, they bet on the wrong horse; we simply need to find Wonderboy's",

"I've done my part, get your little imps...", Meg began.

"They couldn't handle him as a baby", Hades retorted.

"I've sworn off manhandling", Meg stated.

"Well, you know, that's good, cause that's what got you here in the first place", Hades explained, "you sold your soul to me to save your boyfriends life and how does that creep thank you... by running off with some babe; he hurt you real bad, didn't he",

"Look, I learned my lesson, ok", Meg said, sadness and hurt in her tone.

"Which is exactly why I gotta feelin' you're gonna leap at my new offer", Hades stated, "you give me the key to bringing down Wonderbreath and I give you the thing that you crave most in the entire cosmos... your freedom",

(Dream Over... Somewhere above the Sea)

"The blue skies, the warm sunlight... what prime flying weather this is", Rook stated.

"Uh... yeah, sure", Epel muttered.

"Hm, you seem a bit distant, Epel, are you feeling fatigued from our long-distance flight", Rook asked.

"Well, there is that, but... I'm still floored", Epel said.

"About what", Rook asked.

"Your family villas were spectacular", Epel stated.

"Oh, that's what this is about, well, you're always welcome to pop by for a visit", Rook explained.

"Those villas were mighty fine, I couldn't imagine just swingin' by on a lark...", Epel said, "you know what I mean, right, Evelyn",

"I understand what you mean", Evelyn explained, "most villa visits require invitations, and with how grand it was, it almost felt like I was visiting another castle or resort",

"Perhaps I'll invite Vil and the whole NRC Tribe over for a pajama party", Rook stated while laughing, "my siblings do use them at times... but I'm sure they'd be happy to let me use one, as long as I notify them in advance",

"Oh, you've got siblings, Rook", Epel asked, "how many do you have",

"Five, two are older than me and three are younger", Rook said.

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