The Unbirthday Party

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(The Next Day, Heartslabyul Tea Garden)

A few days later, Heartslabyul was repaired, the students no longer feared Riddle and were happy to help out with the re-do unbirthday, meanwhile, news spread around school about Evelyn's title; Otherwise the day of the unbirthday party came, Ace, Deuce, Evelyn, and Grim were all walking toward the Tea Garden, dressed up as how they were the first unbirthday party

"Hey, Evelyn, is it true about your title", Ace asked

"Yeah... who knew someone was recording", Evelyn muttered

"And what you did back then", Deuce asked

"Artist's Creation, it's my signature spell", Evelyn explained, "with it, I can create and destroy objects, it can also be dangerous at times",

"Is that why you didn't use your magic", Grim asked

"Sort of", Evelyn said with a sigh, "like Riddle, I overblotted in my past, what happened throughout all that, I'm not proud of it, the monster that we fought in the Dwarfs' Mine, and the one that was behind Riddle, I have one too, just mine didn't go away... and looked different, and I know I'll have to get rid of it one day, but fear still hits me",

"What I saw when we were fighting Riddle was the complete opposite", Deuce stated

"True... but I was still scared... don't tell anyone that", Evelyn muttered

"Awh, we got a scaredy-cat", Ace teased

"I will thin your shoes to the ground, and you'll be stuck there", Evelyn threatened, but Ace only laughed, their conversation ended when the four made it to the Tea Garden

"All hail our leader, the Red Sovereign himself... Housewarden Riddle", a student announced as Riddle entered the garden

"We salute you, Housewarden Riddle", the students cheered

"Hm... the garden roses are red, the tablecloths are white... this seems a proper unbirthday indeed", Riddle said, "is there a dormouse asleep in the teapo... er, well, I suppose it's fine either way",

"Not everything has to change completely, you know", Trey said, "like, maybe spread the jam on your scones, instead of the dormouse this time; let's try to set the bar at "it's great if it's this way", not "it absolutely has to be this way",

"Yes, that makes sense", Riddle said

"Blah, blah, blah, let's just eat already", Grim stated

"Time to eat we shall, I'll just...", Cater began

"Wait a minute", Riddle shouted, "there's a white rose... well... I suppose I can overlook one or two missed roses, if we work together, we should be able to get them painted in no time",

"What, they still gotta be painted", Ace asked

"Even so... I'm impressed, you've changed, Riddle", Trey stated

"I'm starvin' here, let's just get these roses painted or whatever", Grim said

"Grim, manners", Evelyn reminded, as everyone began painting roses with magic, Evelyn included, with everyone's help, the roses were red in seconds

"So, what happened to that tart, Housewarden", Ace asked

"I made it for you, as I promised I would, here, one strawberry tart, crafted by yours truly", Riddle said

"Nice, the shape's a little off, but I can tell you put a lot of work into that glaze", Trey complimented, "a nice job indeed, considering that was your first",

"Oh, puh-lease, how about we actually TRY it before you start fawning over him, Trey", Ace asked, Cater taking a picture of the tart before it was cut, everyone getting a slice and taking a bite... only for it to be salty

"What did you put in this", Ace asked

"But I followed the rules exactly, and measured everything precisely, unless... oh", Riddle muttered, before speaking up, "could it be... from the oyster sauce",

"Wait... did you actually use that Walrus-brand Oyster Sauce Trey jokes about", Deuce asked

"But Trey said that oyster sauce is an unlisted secret ingredient in all tarts", Riddle stated, "he said all the finest bakers use it...",

"And you believed him, how could you not tell he was joking", Ace shouted

"Riddle, he told us the same thing, I saw through the joke, the others didn't, don't take it personally", Evelyn asked

"Even if you believed the joke, it was only supposed to be a splash, how much did you put in", Cater asked

"It was an unlisted ingredient, how could I measure it if he wouldn't tell me how much to put in", Riddle defended as Trey began laughing

"I can't believe someone actually fell for the ol' oyster sauce prank", Trey said as Riddle began laughing too

"Yes, quite humorous indeed, I truly am a fool", Riddle said, the others joining in on the laughter

"Mm mm mmm, your baked goods are always so delightful, Trey", Chenya stated, appearing out of nowhere, eating some sweets

"Chenya, what are you doing here", Riddle asked in shock

"Hm, I came to celebrate my unbirthday with all of you; a very merry unbirthday to you, Riddle", Chenya stated

"The unbirthday party is a Heartslabyul House tradition, it does not pertain you", Riddle said

"And those two, what about them", Chenya asked

"Hey, you're that weird semi-invisible cat guy from before", Grim stated, "so, you never told us, what dorm are you from",

"Chenya isn't even a Night Raven student", Trey explained, "he's a student at our long-time rival school, the Royal Sword Academy",

"Whaaat, you go to a different school", Deuce asked

"The Royal Sword Academy, no less", Ace added

"Yep, and my buddy William wasn't lying, he's got a cute little sister", Chenya stated, walking up to Evelyn, earning harsh glares from Riddle, Trey, Ace, and Deuce

"I'm gonna kill him", Evelyn muttered, darkly

"Well, now that I've tasted some tart, perhaps I should see myself out", Chenya said, disappearing, the Heartslabyul students chasing after Chenya

"Whoa, everyone turned bloodthirsty real quick", Grim said

"The vast majority of Night Raven College students perceive the Royal Sword Academy as the enemy", Riddle explained

"No surprise, given that they've kicked our butts every year for a hundred years straight", Trey added

"Hey, stop harshin' the vibe, this is supposed to be a day of celebration", Cater explained, "can't we all just enjoy our unbirthdays",

"Myah, merry unbirthday or whatever, I'm gonna eat till my stomach explodes", Grim cheered

"A very merry unbirthday", everyone cheered

(Meanwhile, Savanaclaw Dorm, Leona's Room)

"Awww, sounds like those Heartslabyul twits are having some kind of feast today, must be nice", Ruggie stated, "how come Savanaclaw doesn't have any traditions that involve eating lots of free food",

"Bah, it's a beautifuly sunny day and they're stuffing their faces with cookies and cake, grossin' me out over here", Leona said, "anyway, Ruggie, you know that's not what I'm here to ask you about",

Ah, that, just leave it to me, Boss, all the preparations are proceeding smoothly", Ruggie stated

"Then those fools won't be happily guzzling tea for much longer, that goes double for that snob Malleus, they got no idea what's comin'", Leona explained, laughing

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