The Third Overblot

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(The Next Day, Dream)

The Mirror in the Ramshackle Dorm began to glow, although no one could see it; Evelyn soon found herself at a lake, two people were in a boat

"You know, I feel really bad not knowing your name", Eric said, as he began guessing her name

"Ariel, her name is Ariel", Sebastian whispered

"Ariel", Eric muttered as Ariel nodded her head, "well, that's kinda pretty, ok, Ariel",

The two stayed in the boat, from what Evelyn saw, it was a romantic evening, until the boat tipped over, blocking Ariel and Eric from kissing as everything began fading to black

"Oh, she's better than I thought", Ursula stated, "well, it's time Ursula took matters into her own tentacles",

Darkness faded away, Evelyn was back under the sea, King Triton was there, so was Ursula, and Ariel who was being held back by Flotsam and Jetsam

"Ursula, stop, let her go", King Triton demanded

"Not a chance, Triton, she's mine, we made a deal", Ursula stated, showing King Triton the contract Ariel signed, "but I might be willing to make an exchange... for someone even better",

(Dream Over, Night Raven College, Courtyard)

"Are you serious right now", Jack asked

"Very; we're going back into the sea", Evelyn said

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa... I thought we agreed that nabbing the photo under the sea was a no-go because the Leech brothers would stop us", Ace explained

"This plan seems reckless, even by my standards", Deuce stated

"Ok, kiddos, listen up and I'll go over the plan", Grim announced before coughing

"You ok there, got a furball or somethin'", Ace asked

"No, I'm still gettin' over all the yowling I did yesterday", Grim stated, "anyway, back on topic, here's how this is gonna go...",

"As of today, the museum's closed, so we're gonna have to sneak in; Ace, you're gonna distract a guard, just talk about something, anything", Evelyn explained, "meanwhile everyone else is gonna swim in, grab the picture, and swim out, meanwhile... I have people on the side to take care of Azul",

"Dude, are you serious, this is crazy bold", Ace stated

"Wow, Evelyn, I always knew you were gutsy, but this is a fresh reminder", Deuce said

"Will this really go the way you hope, though", Jack asked

"We've exhausted our leads and we have until sunset tonight; Evelyn's idea is all we got", Deuce stated

"I guess anything beats sitting on our thumbs waiting around for sundown", Ace said

"I gotta say, Evelyn, nothing stops you once you put your mind to something", Jack stated

"Sometimes she's a tad too daring, but what's life without a little spice", Ace said

"Everyone, let's head out", Evelyn stated, making their way through the mirror and back into the sea and swam back to the castle; there, Ace began talking to the guards about the museum, then about merfolk, as the four swam in.

"This is the place Azul mentioned, right", Jack asked, looking at all the pictures, "I can see why he said nobody would notice if we borrowed one",

"This is it, right", Deuce asked, pointing at a photo labelled, "A visit from Prince Rielle and his schoolmates",

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