To Make a Tart

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"Yeesh, that was terrifying", Cater said

"That guy... has some serious issues", Grim said

"Hey, don't disrespect him" Deuce said

"Something isn't right", Evelyn muttered,

"Riddle managed to secure the housewarden title before the end of his very first week at school", Trey explained, "I know he can come off a bit harsh, but he's not a bad guy, everything he does; he does because he thinks it'll improve the dorm",

"Would a good guy go around putting collars on strangers' necks", Grim asked

"That was your fault, Grim", Evelyn said

"But that collar really hurt, and it shut off all my magic, that's just rude", Grim stated

"Curious about Riddle's signature spell", Cater asked

"That means, like... it's a spell that only he can cast, right", Deuce asked

"I doubt he's the only person in the whole world... but yes, a signature spell is a magical ability that is, generally speaking, unique to its user", Trey explained

"Riddle's signature spell allows him to temporarily seal away the magic of another", Cater added, "that spell is named, "Off with your Head",

"Even the name is completely psycho", Grim stated

"To a mage, losing the ability to use magic is about as painful as losing your head completely", Cater explained, "which is why all of us at Heartslabyul House try hard not to violate Riddle's rules",

"And as long as you are following the rules, Riddle isn't so scary", Trey finished

"Speaking of which, are you still not gonna let me into the dorm until I buy a tart, Cater", Ace asked

"Don't ask me, but... yeah, that's rule 53, so my hands are tied", Cater said, "also, Riddle always looks forward to having the first slice of tart, so, if you want him to forgive you, you had better bring a whole tart",

"What happened to "Were all from the same dorm, let's try to get along", throw me a bone here", Ace stated

"That's one thing, this is another", Cater mentioned

"A whole tart has gotta be pretty expensive", Deuce said

"Seriously, I don't have that much money", Ace groaned

"Then why not make one yourself, Trey made those three tarts by hand, after all", Cater stated

"That's amazing", Evelyn said, Trey couldn't help but smile, rubbing the back of his neck

"You made those tarts, Trey, that's incredible, that was like something you'd find at a bakery", Ace stated

"Heh, I appreciate that, we do have most of the stuff you'd need, but... I'm afraid I'll need something from you in return", Trey said

"You're gonna charge me to make it, what kinda racket...", Ace began

"Nah, I wouldn't take money from a freshman", Trey reassured, "but Riddle wants a chestnut tart next, so I'm gonna need you to gather a ton of chestnuts",

"Like that's any less of a hassle, but... fine, how many do you need", Ace asked

"Well, it's for the unbirthday party, so... probably two or three hundred", Trey said

"Did you say HUNDRED", both Deuce and Grim shouted

"And they're all gonna need to be boiled, shelled, and pureed", Trey said

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