Winter Break

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(Ramshackle Dorm, Dream)

The mirror in the bedroom of Ramshackle Dorm began to glow, from what Evelyn saw, she was in the desert, everything around felt cold and dry, then, in the distance, a man appeared in front of a tall man.

"You... are late", Jafar said

"A thousand apologies, O patient one, but I got it", Gazeem stated, holding out a half of a scarab, Jafar reached out for it, only for Gazeem to hold it out of his reach, "Ah, ah, ah... the treasure",

"Trust me, my pungent friend, you'll get what's coming to you", Jafar reassured as Iago swiped the piece from Gazeem, and flew it over to Jafar who pulled out the other half; connecting the halves, the scarab came to life, and flew off

"Quickly, follow the trail", Jafar shouted, he and Gazeem riding after the scarab, the scarab separated into a dune, and a tiger's head rose from the ground, mouth opened wide.

"At last, after all my years of searching, the Cave of Wonders", Jafar said

"Cave of Wonders", Iago squawked as Jafar turned to Gazeem

"Now, remember, bring me the lamp, the rest of the treasure is yours, but the lamp... is mine", Jafar stated as Gazeem approached the cave

"Who disturbs my slumber", the cave asked

(Dream Over)

"Cave of Wonders", Evelyn thought, getting up from bed, the room seemed much brighter than before; thanks to her deal with Azul, the dorm got fixed up a bit, but there were still more problems to be dealt with around the dorm itself; pulling out her phone, Evelyn couldn't help but sigh, winter break was here, and her parents would be away on business, Will was to stay at school and so would Evelyn; turning her phone off, Evelyn got up and got ready for school.

(Night Raven College, Classroom)

"Listen up, whelps, your holiday vacation starts tomorrow, I'm sure all of you are foaming at the mouth to get back home", Crewel stated, "but every year, there's always some foolish pup who forgets about his homework and spends the whole break goofing off, just remember that I have a severe punishment in store for any slackers out there, are we clear; you have permission to use the Dark Mirror to return home for the holidays, report to your dorm mirror once you've packed your things",

"Yes, professor", the students said as everyone was soon dismissed

"Ugh, finally, a break from this cramped dorm life", Ace cheered

"Good grief, Night Raven College doesn't kid around with holiday homework, look at all this", Deuce said, eyeing the stack of papers he and others were holding

"Speaking of going home, are you going home for the holidays, Evelyn", Ace asked

"No, family's away on business, my brother and I are stuck at school", Evelyn stated, "which reminds me, I have to ask Crowley about a few things",

"He should be by the Dark Mirror, you can ask him there", Ace said as Evelyn nodded her head, walking out of the school with Ace and Deuce.

(Mirror Chamber)

"Wow, it's already packed with students going home", Deuce said, the four entering the room where a ton of students were walking through the mirror, going home

"Hah, they all look so antsy", Ace teased, "now then, where's that headmage",

"Alright, everyone, announce your destination to the Dark Mirror and keep a tight hold on your belongings", Crowley announced, hurrying the students out; from the outfit he was wearing, he too was also wanting to leave, "if you let go for any reason while in transit, your luggage will get spirited away elsewhere, if you have any possessions you absolutely cannot afford to risk losing, send them by post from the school store",

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