The Stronghold and the Siege of the Castle

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"We're finally here, so this is the citadel of the Silver Owls", Sebek said, looking around the place.

"...Strange, there were so many ironclads outside, but it's empty in here", Silver muttered before the doors closed behind them, smoke filling the room.

"It's a trap", Evelyn said as a faint rumbling sound came from the distance.

"That rumbling... EVERYONE, PREPARE FOR BATTLE", Lilia shouted.

"Stay alert and stay prepared", Silver muttered as Evelyn nodded her head, a giant mech coming out and attacking everyone; after a long battle, the mech shut down.

"Did we get it", Grim asked while panting.

"I think so... is everyone ok", Silver asked, but right before anyone could respond, the mech let out a creaking noise and groaned, powering up.

"WATCH OUT", Lilia shouted, running in front of Silver and taking the hit.

"FATHER", Silver shouted.

"Told you... 'm not... your father...", Lilia muttered.

"FOUL CONTRAPTION, IT'S STILL MOVING, HOW DARE YOU HARM LILIA", Sebek shouted, attacking the mech and causing it to short-circuit and go down.

"Confound it, that hurt", Lilia muttered.

"Stay still, sir, even for you, this is a grave injury, why would you do such a thing", Baur asked.

"That's what I wanna know... curses...", Lilia mumbled, "when I saw Silver in  danger, my body sprung into action; let this be a lesson to you, kids, the moment you think you've won is the moment you're the most vulnerable",

"Yes, sir", Silver said.

"WHAT, HENRICK AND THE DAWN KNIGHT AREN'T HERE", Baur shouted, gaining everyone's attention, "my word... general, I've recieved a report, the castle... the castle has been besieged by Henrick and a group of Silver Owls led by the Dawn Knight",

"What...", Evelyn, Grim, Silver, and Sebek said in shock.

"We have to get back to the castle", Lilia stated, moving to stand up.

"You're in no shape to move", Silver stated, stopping Lilia in his tracks

"Shut up, injuries are the least of my concerns", Lilia shouted, "this fortress is probably surrounded as well, get me a telemancer, send us all to the castle immediately",

"General, I agree that would be the quickest way to get us back there... but that is a very long distance to travel", Baur explained.

"Evelyn, what do we do here", Grim asked.

"Why don't we fly back", Evelyn muttered out loud.

"It's worth a shot, we'd break through their siege", Sebek stated.

"Let's search the castle, Evelyn, could you and Grim help us", Silver asked.

"Yes, we can look for brooms while you two look for something to help Lilia", Evelyn explained.

"Hold on, there may still be ironclads lurking in the citadel, stay on your guard", Silver stated as everyone nodded and moved forward, taking out the Silver Owls lurking around and reaching the basement... only for a group of workers to stop.

"Oh, goodness... it's you, I wish you would have spared us the fright, sir", a worker said, looking at Silver.

"Wait, what", Silver asked in confusion.

"Did you beat the fae and make it back already, no surprise there", another worker said.

"Beat the fae... what are you talking about", Silver asked.

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