Captured Leaders and Strange Phenomena's

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The Mirror in the Ramshackle Dorm began to glow, although no one could see it; Evelyn soon found herself in the clouds; the Gods of Olympus were there, and Zeus was holding a baby close.

"My boy, my little Hercules", Zeus cooed, setting baby Hercules in his crib.

"How sentimental", Hades said, the other gods turning their heads towards him, "you know, I haven't been choked up since I got a hunk of moussaka caught in my throat",

"So, Hades, you finally made it; how are things in the underworld", Zeus asked.

"Well, let's see, dark, gloomy, and hey, full of dead people", Hades stated.

"Come on, Hades, don't be such a stiff, join the celebration", Zeus said.

"I regrettably have a full-time gig that you, by the way, so charitably bestowed upon me, Zeus", Hades stated with a small sneer, "so can't, love to, but can't",

"You ought to slow down, you'll work yourself to death", Zeus said before bursting out into laughter, "ha, work yourself to death, oh, I kill myself",

"Ha, if only", Hades sneered under his breath, leaving Olympus as the other gods were laughing at Zeus' joke.

(Dream Over)

Evelyn's eyes soon opened, the first thing she felt was the cold; as her eyes fully opened, she was sitting beside the Statue of Hades; she then got up and stared at the statue.

"You're turn next", Evelyn muttered; the cold breeze blew in causing Evelyn to shudder, as she rubbed her arms, she soon recoiled back, looking at her arm; the scratch was still bleeding, and the fabric torn and bloodied; Grim then entered her thoughts, causing her to freeze up.


"Evelyn", Deuce called out, but received no response; he and Ace walking around in search for their missing friend, "got anything",

"Nope, she hasn't responded to any of our texts or calls", Ace stated, calling her once again; this time, they could hear her phone ringing; running towards the source, the two saw Evelyn, standing in the middle of the road, in front of the statues, holding her arm as if she were looking at it.

"Evelyn", Deuce called out, the two boys running up to her, "What are you doing out here by yourself",

"And what happened to you", Ace asked, looking at her arm, but Evelyn didn't respond; she was in shock, and shaking, neither knew if she were scared or cold; Deuce took off his jacket and placed it around Evelyn's shoulders which seemed to snap her out of her trance and stare at the guys.

"G-guys... what are you doing here", Evelyn asked.

"We should be asking you that", Deuce replied, "you and Grim were gone, the doors to Ramshackle were wide open, you had everyone worried",

"And what happened to your arm", Ace asked.

"...G-Grim... He...", Evelyn began.

"Did Grim really do that to you", Deuce asked in shock.

"...I... it's...", Evelyn muttered.

"Come on, let's head back and get your arm patched up", Ace said.

"We'll inform the Headmage soon after", Deuce added as the three walked back to Ramshackle.

(A Few Minutes Later, Ramshackle Dorm, Lounge)

"So, you were talking with a being known as Mickey in the mirror of your room when you noticed that Grim was missing", Crowley asked, "Upon finding Grim, he suddenly lashed out and attacked you",

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