Mirrors and Shocking News

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(Ramshackle Dorm, Dream)

The mirror began to glow, as it died down, Evelyn found herself in a Throne Room, three fairies dressed in red, green, and blue were standing in front of the king.

"Each of us the child may bless with a single gift, no more, no less", Flora explained, flying towards the infant princess in the cradle "Little Princess, my gift shall be the gift of beauty",

After using her magic, she flew back towards the others as the second fairy flew up.

"Tiny Princess, my gift shall be the gift of song", Fauna said, using her magic to bless the baby; as she flew back, the last fairy flew up.

"Sweet Princess, my gift shall be...", Merryweather began only for the wind to blow, fire to appear within the throne room, and Maleficent to appear.

"It's Maleficent", Fauna said in shock.

"What does she want here", Merryweather muttered only to be shushed by Flora.

"Well, quite a glittering assemblage, King Stefan, royalty, nobility, the gentry, and how quaint, even the rebel", Maleficent stated, "I really felt quite stressed of not receiving an invitation",

"You weren't wanted", Merryweather said.

"Not wa... oh, dear, what an awkward situation", Maleficent said, "I had hoped it was merely due to some oversight; well, in that event, I'd best be on my way",

"And you're not offended, your excellency", the Queen asked.

"Why, no, your majesty, and to show no ill will, I too, will bestow a gift on the child", Maleficent explained, "listen well, all of you, the princess shall indeed grow with grace and beauty, beloved by all who adore her... but, before the sun sets on her sixteenth birthday, she shall prick her finger on the spindle of a spinning wheel... and die",

"Oh no", the Queen muttered, taking her child into her arms, fear on her face as Maleficent cackled evilly.

"Seize that creature", King Stefan ordered.

"Stand back, you fools", Maleficent said, fire spewing from her robes before disappearing with a laugh.

(Dream Over)

"Good morning, Evelyn", Grim mumbled with a yawn as she sat up, rubbing her eyes, her mind on flashed back to the dream; without a word, she threw the blankets off before getting up and getting dressed for the day.

"Evelyn, why are you in such a hurry", Grim asked, "haha, you must've forgotten to do your homework and you're going to copy it from Ace, right, count me in",

"Shut up", Evelyn said with a groan, "besides, I already finished that homework before I left school yesterday",

"Whaaa", Grim said in shock as she ran out of the room, Grim following after her; running out of the dorm and towards the Main Street, she stopped in front of Maleficent's Statue, her dream entering her head once again.

"Hey, Evelyn, don't leave me", Grim shouted, taking notice of her vacant expression, "what's wrong, why are you staring at the statue of the Great Seven; is there anything wrong with this... statue of the Thorn Witch... the words carved on this statue, is it covered in Mr. Trein's short exam, let me see...",

"The Thorn Witch who reigns over the Magic Mountain", Malleus explained, walking up to the two, two men by his side "she could manipulate thunderclouds and thorns, and she possesses an invincible magic power, the noble witch who keeps herself independent while having many subordinates... it's what's written there, and our dorm, Diasomnia, is based on her spirit of nobility",

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