Final Exams and Shady Deals

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(Ramshackle Dorm, Dream)

The mirror in the bedroom of Ramshackle Dorm began to glow, from what Evelyn saw, she was on a beach, a hurricane had come in, and a ship was stuck

"Hurricane a'comin', stand fast, secure the riggin'", a sailor shouted, the whole crew began securing the ship, only for lightning to hit the ship, the sailors abandoned the ship as a mermaid carried one to safety

"Is he... dead", Ariel asked with worry as Scuttle put his ear to Eric's foot

"I can't even make out a heartbeat", Scuttle stated

"Look, he's breathing", Ariel said, her worry going away, she then began to sing

"Eric", a voice shouted, Ariel stopped singing and fled into the water as Grimsby showed up, helping Eric up

"A girl... rescued me", Eric said, "she had the most... beautiful voice...",

"I don't know when, I don't know how, but I know something's starting right now", Ariel sang, "watch and you'll see, someday I'll be, part of your world",

Meanwhile, from a distance away, two eels, Flotsam and Jetsam were watching Ariel from afar

(Dream Over)

"The sea", Evelyn thought, a small smile appearing on her face

"The trick to tests... is if there're two choices... it's a trick question", Grim snored, Evelyn couldn't help but laugh

"Rise and shine, Grim", Evelyn announced, getting out of bed and waking Grim up

"MYAH, don't surprise me like that; you'll make me forget everything I memorized", Grim stated, "today's the last day of final exams, y'know",

"Then get dressed and let's go", Evelyn said, walking into the bathroom to get ready for the day

(Time Skip, Night Raven College, Classroom)

The room was silent, the only sound that could be heard was the sound of pens scribbling on paper, and on certain occasions, the sighs of some students who were having trouble with the questions, after a few hours, the bell rang.

"The test is over, whelps", Crewel announced, "put your pens away and hand over your answer sheets like good little dogs, and with that, I do believe exams have come to a close",

The students cheered as they began handing in their answer sheets

"Down, SIT, don't start celebrating yet", Crewel ordered, "any bad boys who fare poorly in their exams... will be given mandatory remedial lessons over the winter break; consider yourselves warned; class dismissed",

"Whew, FINALLY, it's over", Ace said

"I gave it my absolute best, all that's left now is to wait for our scores to come back", Deuce stated

"No lousy test is a match for my brilliant mind", Grim said with a laugh

"Really, you usually look like your lives just flashed before your eyes after written exams", Ace stated, "now you're changing your tune",

"You bet your bottom thaumark I am", Grim said, "today marks the dawn of a new and improvised me; you better be ready, 'cause soon you'll all be callin' me "Galaxy Brain Grim" and beggin' for scraps of my knowledge",

"That's a bold claim, but I'm pretty confident in my performance this time myself", Deuce stated, "no offense, but I'm definitely gonna outscore you",

"Says the guy who's perpetually bitting his lip and barely staying above a failing grade", Ace teased, "of course, this test was a piece of cake for me, so I'm pretty sure I'm gonna come out on top",

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