A Tournament's End

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(Night Raven College, Infirmary)

"Hey, Evelyn's awake", Grim announced as Evelyn opened her eyes

"Where am I", Evelyn mumbled, sitting up and rubbing her head

"The infirmary, at the start of the second half, Grim threw the disk right at your noggin' and knocked you out", Ace explained, "you don't remember",

"I was tryin' to seal our victory with a shot from way downfield", Grim added

"You amateurs gotta work on your disc control", Jack muttered

"I'm just glad you're awake", Deuce said, "you were out so long that I was starting to worry the hit had caused some real damage",

"Yeah, you even missed the closing ceremonies", Ace explained, "they're taking everything apart right now",

"How did Savanaclaw do... did they win", Evelyn asked

"The grand champion was Diasomnia house", Leona stated, the group turning their heads to see Leona on an infirmary bed, Ruggie standing by his side

"In the end, there was nothing we could do", Ruggie said, "it certainly didn't help that we took a beating from every other dorm on the way to the finals; what a miserable tournament this year was",

"Everyone we played against threw everything they had at US", Leona muttered

"Housewarden... Ruggie", Jack said

"Tch... bein' stuck in an infirmary bed for anything other than a mid-day nap is about as lame as it gets", Leona stated

"And what's worse, not a single Diasomnia student ended up here",Ruggie muttered

"I'd heard the rumors, but man, seeing Diasomnia's housewarden in action... that dude does NOT mess around", Ace stated

"Yeah, it was incredible, you wouldn't have believed it, Evelyn", Deuce said

"I think I already do", Evelyn thought

"Now I get why everyone thinks he's invincible", Ace said, "I can't even imagine taking him down",

"And with that attitude, you never will", Jack stated, "you've let him beat you before you even faced him; I haven't though; next year, I'm taking Diasomnia down, and I'll win by givin' it everything I got",

"Does everything happen to include your capacity for evil", Leona asked

"Leo, that doesn't sound like remorse to me", Evelyn asked

"Pfft, I didn't realize we were in an after-school special here, Evie", Leona stated, "and who says I gotta have remorse, I'm giving next year's tournament all I got, too; and I am gonna do whatever it takes to win",

"There's the Leona I remember", Ruggie said

"I can already tell this isn't gonna end well", Jack muttered

"Next year, I wanna be in the tournament for real", Grim stated

"We need to practice so we can make the cut too", Deuce added

"Yeah, no kidding, no way do I wanna embarrass myself in Grim's kiddie league again", Ace teased as the infirmary door's opened, a child entering the room

"Unca, there you are, I finally found you", a red-haired boy announced

"Myah, what's a kid goin here", Grim asked

"Unca Leona", the red-haired boy called out, jumping on Leona

"Baah, the screech box found me", Leona muttered

"Unca Leona", Jack asked in shock

"That furball's my brother's son, Cheka, you know... my nephew", Leona stated

"Your nephew", the boys shouted in unison, Evelyn couldn't help but laugh at their faces

"So, this is who's next in line for the throne", Ruggie asked

"I saw you play, Unca, you were so cool", Cheka said, "Next time I visit, teach me how to play",

"Fine, fine, just stop screamin' in my ear", Leona asked, "where're all your attendants; they gotta be tearin' their hair out lookin' for you",

"I couldn't wait to see you, Unca, so I left them all behind", Cheka stated

"So... the source of all Leona's anguish...", Jack began

"Is this innocent angel... yes, yes, it is", Evelyn said

"The kid sure seems to love everything about him", Grim said

"He does", Evelyn said with a smile

"Shut up, all of you, and stop gawkin' at us", Leona shouted

"So, when are you coming home to see us, Unca", Cheka asked, "next week; and when's the next time after that; did you read all the letters I sent you",

"Look, I told you, I'll be back for the holidays", Leona explained, then Cheka bounced on his stomach, "Ow, that hurts, get offa my stomach",

"Cheka, please get off your uncle's stomach", Evelyn asked, Cheka's head turned toward her, fast

"Auntie Evie, you're here too", Cheka said in excitement

"Cheka, we've been over this, she's not your aunt", Leona explained

"Unca, when are you and auntie getting married", Cheka asked, innocently, the whole room going silent, Leona and Evelyn going red

"We're not getting married", both Evelyn and Leona stated in unison

"But you always...", Cheka began before Leona's hand went over his mouth to shut him up

"This is priceless", Ruggie said, bursting out in laughter, "so, THIS is why you never want to go home to visit your family",

"Are you all Unca Leona's friends", Cheka asked, looking at the boys

"Yeah, we sure are; we're your unca's besties", Ace teased, "ain't that right, Unca Leona",

"U-Unca Leona", Ruggie said while laughing, "Argh, it hurts so much when I laugh",

"Go ahead, laugh it up. I'm gonna remember this", Leona threatened

(Time Skip, Ramshackle Dorm)

As everyone was released from the infirmary, Evelyn was able to talk with her family before parting ways and returning to the dorm, as Evelyn was putting on her nightgown, Grim snuck into the room, the coast was clear

"Finally, the moment I've been waiting for", Grim muttered, holding a black crystal in his paws and eating it, after consumption, Grim fell asleep as Evelyn entered the room

"Grim... you asleep already", Evelyn called out only receiving snores from Grim, "that does it for that question; good night, Grim",

Evelyn turned off the light and got into bed, however, right before she closed her eyes, the mirror in the room began to glow, Evelyn pinched herself to see if she was dreaming or not, the still glowing mirror was proof enough, getting up off the bed, Evelyn approached the mirror, a faint silhouette appearing

(Meanwhile, Octavinelle Dorm, Lounge)

Sales at this year's Spelldrive tournament were up 12% compared to last year, not a bad haul", Azul stated

"Yeah, but this year, we ended up closer to the bottom of the tournament rankings than the top", Floyd said

"Just so long as we weren't at the very bottom", Azul reassured, "let's not forget that Spelldrive is nothing more than a game in which students run around chasing a disc like dogs in a yard; now, a school event more worthy of the full attention of Octavinelle House might be, say... final exams",

"Azul, we recieved an urgent message from a client, they wish to speak tonight at the lounge, in person", Jade stated, walking in the room

"Urgent, you say, well, we'll have to prepare a proper welcome; I do look forward to learning more very soon", Azul said with a small laugh as he walked out of the room, the twins following him out.

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