A Chat, Man to Man

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A/n- picture above, Evelyn's Brother

(Ramshackle Dorm, Dream)

The mirror in the Ramshackle Dorm began to glow, as it died down Evelyn found herself in a field of wildflowers; it was peaceful, the nice warm breeze, even the smell of the flowers; a few seconds later, a scream rang out, Evelyn's head snapping toward Snow White and a Huntsman who dropped his knife

"I can't do it, I can't do it", the Huntsman stated, "forgive me, I beg of your highness, forgive me",

"I don't understand", Snow White said

"She's mad, jealous of you, she'll stop at nothing", the Huntsman warned

"But, but who", Snow White asked

"The Queen", the Huntsman said

"The Queen", Snow White said in shock

"Run, Run away, hide, in the woods, anywhere; never come back, now go, go, run", the Huntsman pleaded as Snow White ran into the woods; the field faded into black as Evelyn soon found herself in what appeared to be of a dungeon-like laboratory; the Queen was there with a red box in hand

"The heart of a pig, the blundering fool", the Queen stated, angrily throwing the box away, "I'll go myself to the Dwarf's cottage... in a disguise so complete, no one will ever suspect",

The Queen began making what appeared to be of a potion, once complete, she drank it and her beauty turned into an old, creepy peddler woman

(Dream Over)

"Evelyn... hey, Evelyn... wake up", Grim called out as Evelyn reluctantly opened her eyes

"What is it, Grim", Evelyn muttered

"Keep quiet and follow me, everyone's still sleepin', so watch your step", Grim stated as Evelyn soon got up, out of bed and followed Grim out of the room and into the kitchen area where Ace and Deuce were

"What are you guys doing", Evelyn asked

"Dinner didn't really cut it, and I'm not wasting any food", Ace stated, "so I'm having some of Trey's treats",

"I didn't come here to join him, I-I just came down to get some water", Deuce said as Ace and Grim opened the fridge, and eating the sweets, even stuffing one in Deuce's mouth

"I'm going back to bed", Evelyn muttered

"Oh my, what are you doing in the kitchen so late at night, you little mice", Vil asked, everyone's heads turning toward him; Vil was standing in the doorway, leaning on the side of the doorway

"We're still growing boys, of course we'd get hungry at this hour", Ace stated

"As a Heartslabyul resident, I simply cannot ignore Trey's hard work into making these cakes", Deuce explained

"It is almost time", Vil muttered

"Time", Evelyn asked as Ace, Deuce, and Grim fell to the ground

"My body... can't move", Ace muttered

"I can't stand up", Grim said

"What in the world... is happening", Deuce asked

"D-did you poison the food inside the fridge", Ace asked, making Vil laugh

"That is not poison, it's a curse", Vil explained

"A-a curse, how do you even put a curse inside food", Deuce asked

"This is my unique magic, Fairest One of All, this magic allows me to imbue a curse at anything I touch", Vil explained, "and unless the conditions are fulfilled, even I cannot negate the curse; and here is the curse I put upon you... any fool who breaks our promise will not be able to move until morning comes",

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