Spelldrive Challenge

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Travelling to the Pomefiore Dorm, the dorm looked to be of a castle, inside were three boys, one was listed as a target, Rook Hunt, but with how he acted, he was quickly crossed off the list; making their way back to school grounds, twins Floyd and Jade Leech were next on the list, Floyd looked laid back as Jade looked proper, yet both looked mischievous; engaging in small conversation, it ended with the group retreating, as per Riddle's orders; once at safety, Cater announced the final name for the day, Jack Howl; Grim, Evelyn, Ace, Deuce, and Cater made their way to the Savanaclaw Dorm as Riddle went back to the Heartslabyul House to make sure no one was breaking the rules.

"Huh... so this is Savanaclaw", Deuce said, looking at the dorm's rock structure, the place reminding Evelyn of a different version of Pride Rock, and with the fake bones around, the Elephant Graveyard

"Whoa, did they carve this place into a mountain, and check out these huge bones", Grim stated, "I wouldn't wanna meet whatever animal they're from",

"Grim, they're fake", Evelyn reassured

"Couldn't be less like Heartslabyul", Ace muttered

"No kidding, even the air here feels so... primal, it's like we left the bounds of civilization", Cater stated

"So, what's this Jack guy look like", Ace asked

"Apparently, he's got wolf ears, silver hair, and a big, bushy tail too", Cater described

"A big, bushy tail... wait, you mean like that guy runnin' laps over there", Grim asked, pointing out said person they were looking for

"Whoa, good eye, there's no way that's not our boy", Cater congratulated

"And I thought those twins were big, this guy's huge", Ace said

"No wonder all the scouts are after him", Cater muttered

"With that build, he'd be an asset on any team", Deuce said

"Well, let's go talk to him", Evelyn stated, walking toward Jack

"Hey, you, Mr. Scowls-a-lot", Grim called out, gaining Jack's attention, "just wanted to let ya know somebody's probably gonna try and hurt you, but don't worry... Grim the Great will protect you",

"What, look, don't bother me when I'm training", Jack said with a glare, Cater immediately began scolding Grim

"I apologize on Grim's behalf, but could we have a minute of your time", Evelyn asked

"What's all this about, you said you wanna protect me from something", Jack asked, still glaring at everyone suspiciously

"A lot of Spelldrive tournament hopefuls have been hurt in accidents on campus lately", Deuce explained

"And we're trying to figure out who's behind it", Ace added

"Go on" Jack said, his glare disappearing

"To put it bluntly, our plan is to stake out some of the criminal's prospective targets", Cater explained, "what do you say, will you give us a hand in catching this guy",

"No, I can take care of myself, I don't need your protection", Jack stated

"I understand, but being alone could be dangerous", Evelyn warned, Jack's glare returning

"I told you, I don't need your help, and besides, I doubt I'm gonna be a target, seeya", Jack said, returning to training

"Hey, what are you lot doing here", a student called out, three Savanaclaw students approaching the group

"You're a long way from Heartslabyul House", another student said

"Probably lackeys sent by Mr. Red Baby", the third student stated

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