Campsite Takedowns

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"Look, it's the camp of the "Silver Owls", Lilia said, the group arriving at the campsite, "I smell humans... should be about 30 of them... I don't see the Dawn Knight among their ranks, should be an easy victory",

"Easy win, we don't even have 15 people", Grim complained.

"You idiot, Lilia's the strongest general here", Sebek stated, "THERE IS NO DEFEAT",

"Shh... keep your voice down, Sebek", Silver said, "Sebek, Evelyn, Grimm, I need you to listen to me, as you might have known, this is different from the combat training and battle we had back at school, with our current situation, physical damage won't wake us up, but I wouldn't want to know what would happen if we got injured badly; Evelyn, Grim, don't leave my side, Sebek, you should also...",

"I don't need you to worry about me, worry about yourselves", Sebek stated as Silver let out a sigh.

"Alright, just be careful", Silver asked.

"I might not be a master of the sword, but I'll do my best with the skills I have", Evelyn reassured, the four walking towards Lilia and Baul.

"Those "Men of Steel"... setting up tents right under our noses... unforgivable", Baul muttered as Lilia let out a laugh.

"It's perfect, really, all prepared for us", Lilia stated, "even saves us trouble for setting up our own tents",

"You're taking over their campsite", Evelyn said.

"Exactly, everyone, let's go", Lilia said, giving the order to attack, "don't burn the tents, unless you want to sleep outside",

"Ambush", a Silver Owl shouted, alerting the camp.

"Thieves, they're after the ores, defense, prepare for battle", another Silver Owl ordered, everyone engaging in battle.

"All of you are weak, is that armor so heavy that it's hard to move", Lilia sneered with a laugh.

"A small figure carrying a magic weapon... It's Vanrouge, the Dragon's Confidant", a Silver Owl shouted.

"Our formation won't last, Commander", another Silver Owl stated,

"Without the Dawn Knight, it's impossible to fight them", the Commander muttered, "SILVER OWL TEAM 35, ALL RETREAT, RETREAT"!

"You coward, run back to your eastern fort and tell your master", Baul taunted, "AS LONG AS WE, THE IMPERIAL GUARDS ARE IN THE BRIAR VALLEY, WE WON'T LET YOU HAVE YOUR OWN WAY",

"Looks like we managed to chase them away", Silver said, turning his head towards Grim and Evelyn, "Evelyn, Grim, are you alright",

"We're good, no injuries at all", Evelyn reassured.

"Lilia beat them up before I could use my magic", Grim pouted.

"But of course", Sebek said, "there's no need for your help as long as Lilia and un... no, Baul are here",

"What, you were only watching and you didn't do anything", Grim argued.

"I-I was waiting for the right moment so that I won't get in the way of the Imperial Guards", Sebek explained, "IT'S NOT LIKE I DIDN'T DO ANYTHING",

"I sense a rivalry and a friendship forming between those two", Evelyn muttered.

"I see it too... but best not to tell Sebek yet, he'll just deny it", Silver said as Evelyn nodded her head, as the four turned to look at Lilia, he was going through the food storage.

"Oats, meat... there's also mice and lizards", Lilia announced, "perfect for roasting",

"I don't want to eat rats and lizards", Grim stated, panic in his tone.

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