To the Sea

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(The Next Day, Dream)

The Mirror in the Ramshackle Dorm began to glow, although no one could see it; Evelyn soon found herself in Ursula's Grotto

"Come in, Come in my child", Ursula beckoned, "Now, I've heard about you and this prince fellow; Here's the deal, I will make you a potion that will turn you into a human for three days, and you must get the prince to give you a kiss of true love to remain human, permanently, now, for the subject of payment",

"But I don't have", Ariel began

"I'm not asking much, just a token, really, a trifle, you won't miss it, what I want from you is... your voice", Ursula said

"My voice", Ariel asked

"Do we have a deal", Ursula asked, turning her head to her two Eel's and muttered, "Flotsam Jetsam, now I've got her boys", a gold contract appeared in front of Ariel with a fish-bone pen, which Ariel soon grabbed and signed the contract

(Dream Over, Time Skip, Night Raven College, Mirror Chamber)

"Will Azul's potions really let us breathe underwater", Deuce asked, looking at the vial in his hand

"Only one way to find out, we'll have to chug 'em and see for ourselves", Jack said

"Ok, on three, one, two... three", Ace counted as the five all drank the potions together

"That was...", Deuce began

"NASTY, it tastes like someone mixed together dried frog and rotten mushrooms", Grim shouted

"Not all potions taste good upon consumption", Evelyn reminded

"What genius decided that potions have to taste like crud, anyway, someone oughta fix that", Ace stated

"Shouldn't we be more worried about efficacy than flavor", Deuce asked, "w-wait a minute, it's... getting harder to breathe...",

"Potion's taking effect, everyone through the mirror, now", Evelyn ordered as everyone passed through the mirror and ended up in the sea

"It just dumped us in the water, I'm gonna drown", Grim shouted

"Wait, I'm breathing just fine", Deuce said

"Huh, oh, hey, you're right", Grim said

"It feels like forever since I've been in the sea", Evelyn said, swimming around

"We don't have time to gawk at the scenery", Jack reminded, "we'd better get a move on and head to our target",

"Atlantica Museum is in the castle itself, so we'd best be careful", Evelyn stated as the boys nodded their heads and made their way to the castle

"This is it", Ace asked as Evelyn nodded her head

"Myah, look at all these guys with fish tails instead of legs", Grim said, pointing toward the guards

"Are those... mermen, wow, there really are people out there who live underwater", Jack said

"Yep, they look like the guards, so best behavior", Evelyn asked, as the boys nodded their heads, two shadows swam past the five

"Eeeyyy, there you are, Little Shrimpy and co.", Floyd announced

"Good day, everyone, how are you liking it under the sea", Jade asked

"Those voices... it's the lookalike brothers", Grim stated as Floyd and Jade swam up to them, their forms, different

"Got it in one", Floyd said

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