(22) She's Alive

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Three days later,

Steve and Nat were unpacking at their base house in Fort Bliss Texas. When James and Sarah called Steve. 

"Hello." Steve said 

"Hey Steve honey are you sitting down?" Sarah said as she and James had it on speaker phone. 

"I am not but I will sit down." Steve said as he moved some stuff around on the couch. 

They could hear him shuffle, "Okay I am sitting." Steve said 

"So three days ago, we got some news. Jenni came running in showing us her phone. Maxie has posted to her tik tok, instagram and snapchat." Sarah said 

"She's alive?" Steve said 

"Yes. And she is with Tyson." James said 

"Is that suppose to make me feel better?" Steve said 

"Steven Grant." Sarah said 

"I am sorry mom but I don't trust him just like I don't trust Buchanan. Were you able to trace her phone." Steve said 

"Preston talked to his brother in law who works for the FBI they said her cellphone last pinged in Arizonia last week but went silent after that. The day it pinged there is the day she posted all that stuff. But they will keep it open." James said 

"Ok just keep me updated. We love you both." Steve said and hung up. 

Their next phone call was to Bucky, he is stationed in Hawaii. He was out for a night run when his phone rang. 

"Hello." He said as he wiped his face. 

"Hey son." James said 

"Hey dad whats up?"he said 

"Are you busy?" James said 

"No I was just out for a run." He said 

"Well brace yourself cause we have an update." James said 

Bucky began to walk in a small circle, "Okay.." he said 

"Maxie is alive, and she is with Tyson. She posted to three of her social media accounts. We had someone in the FBI trace her phone's ip but it came up nothing. Her phone last pinged in Arizonia but they sent someone there and there was nothing and her phone hasn't pinged anywhere else." James said 

"But she is with Tyson? Thats good dad Tyson will keep her safe he wouldn't let anything bad happen to her. But if I had to guess she is trying to throw us off." Bucky said 

"Son, if Tyson was going to keep her safe he should of sent her back home. But he hasn't and it looks like she is dating Tyson' best friend Mason." James said 

"That stupid fucker! The guy that got Tyson hooked on drugs." Bucky said

"Son calm down. We will keep you updated okay. Give Makayla and the twins my love." James said 

"I will dad. Love you." Bucky said 

"Love you son." James said as they hung up. 

Bucky fell to his knees, and cried as he whispered "Thank you God." 

After he finished his run, he got on Maxie's social media accounts. When he saw the video of her and Mason he became angry. He went to the gym and began to punch a punching bag and get in the rest of his workout before heading back home. 

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