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"Oh my fucking goodness! Why did you have to end like this?! WHY?!" My twin sister rages as her game comes to an end, again.

It's her favorite game and novel {Thorns On A Vine} and she acts this way every time she finishes the novel and game.

She's the pure, kind and elegant twin who knows how to behave herself. But when it comes to {Thorns On A Vine} she acts just like me.

I'm the rebel twin, the one that causes the trouble and doesn't give a shit about things I find unnecessary.

"Chill sis, it's just a shitty game you play." I say as I blow the smoke out of my mouth.

"That's not cute, so cut it out or we'll both get in trouble again." She says as she glared at me and my blunt baby.

"Ain't nobody tryna be cute, bitch. I'm tryna get high. And when have I ever cared about what other people think about me? If they have a problem with me then they can suck my ass and pout." I say as I take another puff and blow it at her.

"Your always so rude, why are you like this?" She asks as she stands up and grabs her bag.

"I'm like this because you aren't. Where are you headed?" I ask, putting out my blunt.

"I'm hungry." She says simply as she puts on her shoes.

I quickly put on my shoes and grab my bag too, we were in the middle of skipping class because one day won't hurt us.

"I'm coming too. What are we gonna get?" I ask as we walk out of our dorm room.

"Dunno." She says as she hits me in the face with her midnight black hair.

I pick the strands out of my mouth as I look at her disgustedly like the rodent she is. I don't understand the loving siblings in books and movies, we fucking hate each other.

I mean, we have our good moments but one of us always ruins it.

"Let's just go to the mart across the street, I don't wanna go far." I complain to her as I throw one of my arms over her shoulder.

"Your disgusting, get off of me." She says as she pushes my arm away while I laugh.

This is her normal mood after she finishes her game or novel.

It use to be my favorite game and novel too, but then she started liking it and then I started hating it. We can't like the same things sometimes, it feels like a curse.

Nobody can tell us apart by just looks because...well, that's the power of identical twins.

"You love me." I pause as I sigh while walking off of campus grounds "It's okay, I won't tell you dirty little secret, sis." I say playfully.

We aren't in love like 'couples' or whatever, it's just twin love.

"I hate you, there's no love here." She says without looking at me as we walk down the sidewalk.

"I can feel the love in the air, can you." I say as I smirk at her while placing my arm back over her shoulder.

She lets out a short laugh as she playfully pushes me away while glaring at me.

Without looking, because who actually does, we cross the road while we laugh and talk. Loud horns and flashing lights come from my side and our heads turn to see the famous truck-sama about to hit us.

I know that it won't work, but I quickly use my body to protect her as the famous truck-sama hits me.

I feel an unimaginable pain course throw my body as I skid across the hard and bumpy road. I'm laying on my back with my arms spread out as a hot liquid spreads across me.

"Eva!" I hear a weak scream come from my left.

Even though it's hard, I turn my head to see Emma trying to crawl closer to me. I want to say something, anything, but I can't.

I want to move my body to go to her but I can't seem to even feel my limbs, I feel numb but pain all over.

She looks like shit...if she could see herself now, she'd have a panic attack. That's my perfect little twin for you, always the light while I'm the shadow.

"Eva! P-please!" She says weakly as she weakly grabs my hand as she falls to the ground.

People are screaming around us while red and blue flashing lights get closer to us with annoying ass sirens.

And...the famous truck-sama strikes again...let's find out if the rumor is true. If you get hit by the famous truck-sama then you get reborn with OP powers.

If it's true...I'll kill you Emma...

I know that it's super short but the rest will be longer, don't worry.

I know that it's super short but the rest will be longer, don't worry

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