Goodbye Pepes!!!

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[What?! Oh no...I think that I'm about to faint.] Dahlia says in a panicked voice.

[You're about to faint?! I've literally just been kidnapped at my own birthday party!!] I shout back at her.

[D-do you have any idea where you are or where you are going right now? Everyone is in an uproar right now because you are missing!] She says to me.

Wait- she makes it sound as if I was the only one taken...Are you shitting me right now? They just kidnapped me and left?

I'm gonna be use as a sex doll...I knew I was too hot for my own good even at this young of an age.

I think I'm having a panic attack because I can't breathe and I believe that I've also shit myself too.

[Yes, I know where I am and where I'm going because this definitely isn't my first time going out of the property. NO! I HAVE NO CLUE DAHLIA! And why did you say that like I was the only one taken?....] I ask her nervously.

She stays silent for too many seconds and I almost passed out by the time she answers me.

[...because you were...] She says nervously and sadly.





I'm definitely going to be murdered then eaten...

[What do you mean? How was I the only one taken?!] I shout at her in a panicked voice.

[The king and highest nobles like father had immediately moved and you were the only person moving when they got the lights back on. It was literally like a thirty second time period from when the lights when out and when they turned back on!] She says and I hear her cry through our connection.

I-ima shit myself...ima shit, I need to calm down...


[Did they catch any of the bad guys?] I ask her nervously as the carriage or wagon hits a giant bump making me hit my head on something [Ow! Shit!] I cuss.

[Aconitum what's wrong?! Did they hit you?! What's going on?!] She starts firing questions at me.

[ but they hit a big ass bump and I hit the roof or something on my head. Now answer my question.] I tell her.

[Well, yeah they caught some of them...] She says but I can tell that she is not telling me everything.

[What is it?] I ask her angrily.

[They were immediately killed by the time the lights came back on. I'm guessing that they didn't expect anyone to get taken.] She says nervously.

Oh no...all hope is lost.

Was it because I ate a bunch of snacks without caring about who saw such a horrifying sight?

Was it because Gabriel kept stepping on my feet since he's a shitty dancer?!

WHY ME?! Why couldn't it be Dahlia?

She's the better twin anyways.

[Can you tell me anything? Anything at all?] She asks me.

[Hold on, first, tell mother and father that we can still talk to each other and that we've been able to do it since we were born. And I'll ask these guys some questions.] I say to her.

[Okay- wait what?! Don't talk to them!] She yells at me but I ignore her and cut off our connection.

I feel her push at my mind, trying to contact me but I don't let her. She stops trying so I'm guessing that she starts talking to our parents.

"U-uh? H-hey guys, any idea on where we are g-going? Or wh-where you are t-taking me?" I ask nervously, not sure if any one will even hear or respond to me.

"Shut up!" A rough voice says as I'm kicked in the side.

"Bastard!" Oh no!

Why did I have to say that?! Why did I have to say something so like me?!

"What did you just call me little girl?! I'll kill you!" He yells as he continues to kick me in any place he can.

I curl up into a ball and protect my head, I at least need to stay conscious so that I can talk to Dahlia. Hopefully they can save me...

"Hey! Hey! Rio calm down!" Another rough voice says as the guy Rio(?) stops kicking me.

"If she keeps running her dirty mouth like that, I'll really kill the bitch!" He yells angrily as his footsteps fade away.

What am I in?

"H-hey are you okay little girl?" The second guy asks me.

"No, I've just been kidnapped by a bunch of idiots. Then I got beat up by a dirty bastard!" I yell as I push the guys hands away from me.

I feel a hard slap come to my face, making my head swing to the left as tears well up in my eyes.

"I tried being nice to you but you're just like every other snobby noble! You were wondering where we are going! Well we are going somewhere that you'll never be found, stupid wench!" He curses at me.

Oh you shitty little bastard!

"It's called a 'wrench' you little bastard!" I shout at him as I'm picked up and thrown back down.

I continuously cough because of the impact I had with the floor. It almost reminded me of when the famous truck-sama caught me by surprise.

My hands are tied behind my back tightly with crap rope.

"Keep talking and you won't ever see again!" He warns me as his foot steps fade away too.

I feel Dahlia pushing against my mind again and this time I let her in.

[Mother and father are worried sick while the king is trying to have people see if they can use our connection to find you. Are you okay? And did you talk to them?] She says without taking a break.

I rest my head on my knees as I find a corner to sit in.

[Aconitum...?] She asks nervously.

[Yeah, I'm here. Thank you, and yes, I talked to them.] I say tiredly.

My body aches and my face hurts, I think that my lips bleeding too. My side hurts from when that guy kept kicking me and when I was slammed into the ground.

My right cheek stings from that dudes slap...and I still couldn't keep my mouth shut...

[Are you okay? What's wrong?] Shes asks me slowly and even in a calm voice.

In truth...I'm terrified right now. I have a feeling that something bad is gonna happen to me and that I might not see my family again...

[N-nothing, it's all fine. They didn't tell me where they are taking me.] I lie to her as a few loose tears slide down my face.

[What happened Aconitum?] She asks me, seeing through my lie.

I stay silent for a few moments, thinking over what I should say to her. If I should lie to her again, or if I should be honest and tell her the truth...

In the end...I decide to tell her the truth.

[I'm scarred Dahlia- no, I'm terrified right now. I opened my big, stupid, mouth and they beat the shit out of me. But, I'm truly terrified right now...] I say as I cry even harder.

I'm terrified....

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