Familiar Contracts

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Next up is my Familiar Contract class, today we will be getting our first familiars. I already know how to do everything and that's why the teacher has assigned me as the leader for today.

"Aren't you excited, Aco?!" Blu yells next to me.

In this class, I have all six love interests, the heroine, my twin sister, and Blu and Tya in my class, sadly.

Dahlia is sitting with her 'friends', I'm sitting with the six boys along with Tya and Blu, and the heroine is sitting by herself. Do I care about the heroine? No.

Should I? Definitely not.

"Would you like to begin now, lady Aconitum?" The teacher asks me and everyone's eyes travel to me.

"I guess I have no choice..." I grumble as I stand up from my seat as my group wishes me good luck while I walk up to the front of the classroom.

"Everyone, as you already know Lady Aconitum, she will be leading todays activities." The teacher says before he walks back to his desk with a nod.

Some idiot raises their hand and with a sigh I point at him to talk.

"What are we doing today?" He asks and everyone groans because we are suppose to know what we are doing, just not how to do it.

"Get out." I say while pointing towards the door.

He'll only slow us down and he's an idiot.

"Wait- you can't do that!" He shouts as he stands up, slamming his hands on the table.

"She's the teacher today." The actual teacher says as he leans further into his chair.

"Get out before I make you." I says tiredly.

"This is stupid!" He yells as he grabs his stuff and stomps out the room, slamming the door shut behind him.

"Anyone else with stupid question or anything stupid to say?" I ask as I cross my arms.

The heroine, Jessie, timidly raises her hand and everyone groans again. I point at her with a nod, telling her to speak.

"I-I d-don't have any m-magic..." She says shyly.

"Yes you do." I say, calling her out and I see Dahlia glare at me from the corner of my eyes.

She can't talk to me through our link since I always have my barrier up since she's hiding something from me and I don't wanna talk with her until I know what she is hiding.

"W-what?!" She almost shouts, nervously.

"You're just hiding it, a viscount wouldn't adopt you if you had no magic, plus I can see it. It's weak, but it's still there." I tell her.

"N-no! I-I have n-no ma-magic! Ar-are you b-bullying m-me?!" She says and I groan.

"Sure, now get out of my class too." I say without glancing at her.

She bursts into sobs as she quickly gathers her stuff before dashing out of the classroom. Now that the two idiots are out of my class...let's begin.

"For the last time, anything else?" I say with a sigh.

"No." The class says.

"Good. Now, for summoning a familiar you must condense your spiritual magic and your mana together. If a familiar is willing to form a contract with you then it will appear. A spirit will only be within how much magic you put out and the spirit can be in any form. Even if it is a small bug, it can be stronger then a tiger spirit." I pause as I start writing in the board.

"So whatever form it takes, it doesn't matter because it can be stronger then it looks?" Someone asks and without turning around, I answer.

"Yes, but that also means that it can be the biggest spirit but also the weakest." I tell them.

"What if we have multiple magic affinities?" Another person asks me.

"That's okay too. If you have multiple like myself, you just have to combine your manas together if you want. But if you want a spirit that only has one of your attributes then you can just use one." I tell them.

"What is it suppose to look like?" Another person asks and I turn around.

"For people with one attribute-" I pause as I make a normal sized ball of my nature mana, appear in my palm "-It will look something like this, it will come out in its own color depending on your attribute. For those of you using two attributes, you will go through some pain while trying to combine your attributes in your hands so you will have a partner. And it looks like this." I gather my wind mana in my other hand and easily combine the two without even flinching.

I let the ball of mana float up, out of my hands. It's a ball of swirling grey and brown with small hints of other colors.

Everyone looks at it in awe while I just let them stare at it.

"But that's not all, just making a ball of mana doesn't matter. Turn to page three-o'-seven and you will find the spell you have to chant." I tell them and they all open their books, going to that page number.

"What about you? Where's your book?" The teacher asks me and the whole class groans as they look at him.

"I've already memorized the whole book by heart." I tell him without even glancing at him.

"Oh..." He says as he goes back to doing absolutely nothing.

"We will move this class to outside since I already know that some strong spirits will appear and I don't want anyone to destroy anything accidentally." I tell them and they all starry gathering their stuff.

"Why do you think that?" Someone asks me.

"Because we have people in here who are strong, even if they only have one magical attribute." I tell him as I walk to the door.

"So?" A girl asks curiously.

"Spirits can sense when strong and powerful spirits are being summoned so they will naturally be drawn to where the stronger spirits are being drawn. Strong and powerful are like magnets for other spirits." I tell her as I walk out of the classroom, everyone else following after me.

They follow me out of the school doors and past the training grounds, where classes are being held.

We continue until we are at a giant open field and I tell them all to separate. And for those who have two magic attributes to grab a partner.

"Do you need a partner?" The actual teacher asks me.

"No." I tel him simply.

"Isn't this your first time summoning a spirit? And you have four magic attributes, you seem to be really cocky right now." He tells me as he looks me up and down with a frown.

"I'm not cocky, I'm honest and confident. And this is my first time summoning a spirit, and if you don't leave me alone, I'll have 'em kill you as soon as I've summoned it." I tell him seriously with a straight face on.

He holds his hands up in mock surrender before walking away from me.

"Don't worry about fucking up when summoning your spirit. As the teacher for class today, nothing will be destroyed and no one will be hurt so don't worry." I tell them because some of them seem really nervous "You may start when you are ready." I tell them.

I start to walk farther away from everybody since I'm going all out with my first familiar contract.

I've been waiting for this day for a while now, and I want the strongest spirit I can get so I'm going to put all my mana and magic into it, except for my reserves of course.

I see people starting to summon spirits and people getting ready to summon theirs after I've gone far enough away from them.

It's my turn now...

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