The. Absolute. Worst.

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Major headaches, check! Annoying ass people who won't shut the hell up, check! Five annoying ass familiars who can't stop arguing in my head!-


"Aco...are you okay?" Owen asks nervously.

"Owen, I'm about to paint the town red." I say with a deadly smirk on my face.

My sister won't stop making fun of Jessie and all Jessie does is cry as she tries to defend herself. If she knew what was going to happen then why the hell did she go over to my sister?!


And I even warned her...hehehehe...

"Aco, I-I don't like th-that look on your face r-right now..." Owen says nervously.

"Then don't look, little Owen." I say with a short and cold laugh as I slowly stand up from my chair.

The teacher won't put a stop to this so I will.

"N-no-!" Owen tries to stop me but I ignore him.

Like he could stop me anyways. I summon Cujo and Shit Head, and yes, I haven't changed Shit Heads name yet because he's still a shit head.

They appear at my sides as I walk over to the girls who are constantly ruining my life.

The air grows cold as the room darkens as I look over the girls. They feel the change and awkwardly look over and up at me, with my familiars behind me.

"You two...why won't you shut the hell up?" I ask in a cold and threatening voice.

"W-what?" Dahlia asks nervously as she glances at Jessie before looking back to me.

"Hehehe..." I let out a cold laugh before harshly slapping both girls.

"W-what w-was-" I cut off Jessie.

"You-" I point at my sister "-Shut the hell up and face forward. You-!" I then point at the fake heroine "-Stop crying like a little bug. You knew she was going to pick on you and yet you keep going back to her." I say coldly as my lips twitch.

"I-I w-was tr-trying t-to-" I cut her off again.

"Shut the hell up. I don't care if you were trying to fix things- cause you won't be able to mend anything with Dahlia. Now-" I glare at the both of them "-You are both ladies of high society, so fucking act like it before I send you both to heaven- no, you won't be going to heaven because you'll look like sins after I'm done with you." I laugh coldly as I put a hand on top of my head.

"S-sister, are you-." I cut Dahlia off.

"You-" I point a harsh finger at Dahlia "-You are supposed to be the blooming flower of high society, but you are acting like the withering flower of it. You-" I point a harsh finger at Jessie "-I told you to fix yourself before I do it for you but you still didn't listen. I'll see you at the training grounds with Dahlia, you both will skip lunch. And you-!" I tune with a glare while pointing a finger at the teacher.

"M-me?!" She says as she points to herself.

"Yeah~ I'll expect you there too. You don't wanna teach so you'll learn instead. Now, all three of you are replaceable in my book. Dahlia is my twin so I can replace her, Jessie was adopted and that says enough itself, and teachers come and go." I say with a creepy smile on my face as Cujo steps towards the girls and Shit Head steps towards the teacher.

"Aco..." Owen says timidly.

"Owen, you are replaceable too, there is five other boys who want a spot next or me and maybe even more." I say as I point a finger at him "In fact! Everyone in those classroom is replaceable, so if you don't wanna be replaced, you better start acting like it." I say like a crazy, tired, and hungry maniac.

"A-Aconitum..?" Dahlia asks timidly.

"Oh~ no~ I'm going to finish talking to you during lights out. Jessie, teacher, and Dahlia, don't be late to the training fields or it'll be on sight..." I threaten them as I slowly go back to my seat.

I send Shit ahead away since he's not as scary as Cujo especially if I have to say his'll be even worse.

Cujo stands right behind me as the room starts to go back to its normal temperature and normal brightness. But now the teacher is actually teaching while the students pay attention to her.

"A-am I actually re-replaceable, A-Aco?" Owen ask as tears form in his eyes.

"Todays not my day Owen, you should've kept quiet, today, everyone is replaceable." I say as I glance at him before turning back to my paper with different transformation spells on it.

Two days ago I summoned four spirits and had dinner with the king.

I've received more letters then I can count from different empires, and kingdoms. All wanting me to visit or offering me gifts with marriage proposals.

My name has spread more then ever after word got out that I summoned more powerful spirits.

Celeste and Cujo are my only civilized spirits and for that I'm grateful. I sent Celeste to rome around freely in meadows and gardens.

Cujo is a demon who wants to see and cause chaos so he's been staying with me for the most part.

Ghi and Shit Head won't stop arguing with Scout being caught in the middle even though he's out exploring too since all of them haven't been summoned in a long time.

Cujo will go to chaotic places once I'm done using him.

After I finish my transformation spells, Shit Head will be my test subject. Then, once they are a hundred percent ready, I'll use it on all of them to put them into smaller forms.

Because even now, Cujo is too big for this classroom but he's still fits. Plus I want to see his true form that he's hiding from me.

I want it to be creepy as hell since he's a demon.

He doesn't know that I know, but soon enough he will know. Then, I'm going to turn Shit Head into a dung beetle because that's what he is to me.

I will turn Celeste, Scout, Cujo and Ghi into smaller forms of themselves so that they can actually accompany me without any struggle. I also have to spend more time with Ghi since he's been being a jealous, overweight lizard lately.

And, two month break is right around the corner so we'll all be traveling.

I will visit foreign empires with my familiars and see what stuff I can get for free. And, I will be able to learn new things too.

I know most languages that are common and uncommon. In fact, I know all of the languages because saying different spells in different languages can change and modify spells.

That's why I say most spells in ancient elvish, but now I'll have to add the demon language since I have Cujo by my side now.

Anyway...I can't wait for lunch...hehehehe...

A/N -

Sorry for the short chapter(s). Been lazy while trying to hurry up and update and I usually update really early in the morning or really late at night. Also, updates are random at this point but I'll try and update at least once a day...see you in the next chapter I suppose...

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