The Norths Emperor, Emperor Julian Verion Coriona

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"Is this the place, master?" Ghi asks as he slowly flies above the empire.

I can hear the shouts of the people below us from up here. I guess that I should've sent a letter stating that I would show up...but it's too late now.

"Yes. Find a landing place on top of that palace. Make it so people can still see you and so that they can see me when I get off." I tell Ghi and he slowly starts descending while trying to find a landing spot.

"Is master trying to start something?" Cujo asks with a creepy smirk on his face as they follow after us.

"Yes I am." I say while smirking back at him.

"Master, I thought that you were gonna be a sweet dream when I first met you..." Celeste says as she trails off while shaking her head.

"I'm no sweet dream but I'm a hell of a night, Celeste." I say with a short laugh.

"Will we land with you master?" Scout asks, ignoring what me and Celeste said.

"Master is the worst." Shit Head grumbles.

"Yes, I'm plan on making a scene since it's already been put into action." I say as Ghi finds a landing spot, right at the front of this palace "Make the ground shake and roar Ghi." I say as I pat his scales while sliding off of him.

Cujo smirks as Ghi prepares himself to roar.

"The rest of you...make a commotion and follow after Ghi." I say with a smirk on my face as I stand in front of Ghi.

"Whatever master says." Celeste says as she shakes her head.

"I think that I'm going to like our little trip." Cujo says.

"I fucking hate master." Shit Head says and we all ignore him.

"She'll definitely get us all killed, but I think that I'm looking forward to it." Scout says and they all stand at my sides with Ghi in the back.

"Now." I command and Ghi releases a loud roar, making me almost fall over but I catch myself.

As his roar slowly goes out, the rest join in all together. It sounds harmonious to me but it probably makes everyone else nervous.

When their roars drown out, I hear someone clapping from behind us.

I slowly turn around and walk away so that I can see this person and I end up seeing a man with a crown on his head with knights at his side.

"You must be the rumored Aconitum Grace Thorn, from the west." He says as he walks towards me "It's a pleasure to meet you but I wish that you would've sent a letter beforehand." He says with a short laugh.

"Where's the fun in knowing that the rumored girl will show up? It's a pleasure to meet his majesty." I say with a short and quick curtesy.

"Please, the pleasure is all mine and there's no need for formalities with me. I am Julian Verion Coriona." He says with a short and quick bow, surprising us all.

"I am the rumored girl and these are my rumored familiars. All of them are top tier and only the best, I made sure of it myself." I say and we both laugh for some reason.

"I can see that, you have a shadow dragon, windigo, forest spirit, gryphon, and a light bird. I'm sure you scared my people with your arrival." He says as he invites me inside.

I say a quick spell that shrinks my familiars so that they can all go inside with me.

"Let's beating around the bush, I know why I've received these invitations from everybody and that's why I'm here now, to see what you can offer before I see what the rest can offer." I say as he shows me around the palace.

"Very well, my eldest son and the heir to the throne is still unwed and I believe he's around your age." He says as we walk down some stairs.


"I have no interest in ruling, but I will think about it. What about your other sons?" I ask him.

"My second son is going to become a knight and my third son will become a mage for the mages tower. They all have promising futures." He tells me.

That's so basic...but I still have time I suppose.

"I will be staying for two weeks before I leave for the north, then I will be returning back to my academy." I pause as we walk into his office "My king is also causing me trouble." I say, knowing that that's going to pique his interest.

Everyone will want me to join their empire.

People will also want my sister, but those people are only in our home empire since she hasn't offered any spirits that'll be of use.

Plus, she's more concerned about being a 'proper' lady and being like our mother.

"There is always room here in the Coriona empire." He says as we sit down before he orders a maid to bring us tea "I'm sure every place you visit will tell you the same things as I, on what they can offer you. So, what do you want?" He asks as he leans back in his chair.

"Dunno. But, that one question has already made me want to stay here even more." I tell him with a smirk.

"Our doors are always open." He tells me again.

"Yes...I will also be going to visit your towns. The common peoples well being will also help effect my decision in what I'll do." I tell him.

"Very well, you are free to do as you wish. I will even have my sons accompany you around. None of them are busy, in fact, I'll have you meet them today." He tells me as a maid places some tea in front of me.

"No need to worry yourself about how we meet, you don't even need to tell them that I've arrived yet." I tell him as I take a sip of my tea.

Mmm- a flower tea with honey and's perfect.

"As you wish. How is the tea?" He asks me and I place the tea cup down on the table in front of me.

"It's perfect." I tell him.

I don't care for how the tea here taste especially since I prefer coffee over tea. But I care more about how the common people are treated.

"That's good to hear, my eldest daughter is a twin to my eldest son, she favors tea and even experiments around with them and the flavors." He tells me,

"Then I'll make sure that I meet her, I'll do one even better, I'll meet all of your children while I'm here." I tell him and we both smirk.

The world of politics and decisions, it's a cruel and crucial place. Here, it's use others or be killed and used by others.

So, for now, I'll play along and meet those two choices in the middle.

I don't need to use him nor do I need to use his children that he's offering up pretty easily. I want to know the secrets behind this place and see if this place is worth it.

I can offer everyone power, both military power, brain power and magic power.

Now let's see what they can offer and find out if it's worth it...

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