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"....." The whole room is deathly silent after what I just said.

"Why?" Noah finally speaks up, but oh lord, I thought I was just going to drown in silence for a second there.

"Why did I say I was going to wipe this empire off the map or why am I going to wipe this empire off the map?" I ask him.

"Both." He says as he clenched his fists at his side while glaring at the floor as if it was stepping on him.

"See, if Dahlia was dead by the time I got back, I wouldn't do this but she's still alive funny enough. I even told Jessie to kill her but she didn't, but I'm glad that you dropped the act. And this empires shit..." I say as is shrug my shoulders "So why not?" I ask him.

"Aco- Irenia, your family still lives here!" Allen yells at me.

"And someone in my family knew that I was going to get kidnapped and she didn't tell anyone, Allen. I was put through hell in this empire so I'm going to make it look like what it is." I say back as I glare at him.

"It was one person-!" I cut Asher off.

"I don't need to word of a priest right now, Asher, so shut your mouth before you spend the rest of your life trying to figure out how to regenerate you tongue." I snap at him.

"It was all in the past Irenia." Jessie says as tears stream down her face.

"And? I'm looking at the future right now." I tell her.

"Your a monster!" Owen yells at me, and everyone else looks at him with shock in their eyes, not me though, I've been waiting for him to lash out.

"Born and raised." I tell him with a smirk on my face.

Loud, murderous, cries are heard around us, making the building shake.

"You can't be serious! This is crazy Irenia! You don't have to do this!" Allen yells at me.

Looks like the rest would rather be quiet for now.

"I use to be told that I was crazy to, I use to be told that I was monster by the people who abused me. And, you're right Allen, I don't have to do this...but I really really wanna do it." I say with a short laugh as I shrug my shoulders.

"Irenia! Please don't do this! We'll do anything!" Jessie begs me as she falls to her knees.

Finally trying to be the heroine now, eh?

"I gave you that chance, but since we all have a short history together, I'll put it off. I might even forget about all of this but believe me when I say this...Dahlia dies tonight." I tell them as I disappear into the shadows.

I zoom out of the palace and around the city, looking for Dahlias aura.

[I'll advice you to run, sister.] I say through our connection that has been closed for years.

She doesn't answer me but I feel her emotions pick up as loud cries are heard from the sky. I keep moving until-


I shoot up in my bed with sweat dripping down my forehead.

"Shit." I say with a sigh as I wipe my face "That was a crazy dream, but it felt too real for my liking." I say as I throw the covers off of my body.

I slide out of my bed and look at the room that I'm staying in.

Jeez, you go to bed after a long and boring birthday banquet and you end up having a weird dream. Thankfully, I've change over the time I've been gone.

I will no longer destroy this empire but I do wish that they had killed Dahlia. I know that that I can kill her, but I don't have it in me too kill her myself. I didn't have it in then and I don't have it now.

Thorns On A Vine ~DISCONTINUED~Where stories live. Discover now