Snacks and Snatched

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Aconitum's POV

Lord above, I'm tired just from greeting all these weird nobles.

"Father, can I go get some snacks?" I ask my father because I know my mother will try and correct me somehow.

"Yes sweetheart." My father replies back as I grab Dahlias hand and drag her away from out parents.

While she's pulling on me to stop me from speed walking, I'm tugging on her to make her slow ass hurry up.

We reach the table of snacks and I start filling my mouth like the starved beast I am. I wasn't even able to eat breakfast or lunch because the maids spent the whole time trying to dress me up.

"Stop eating like that." Dahlia scolds me.

I wanna laugh but then food would fly out of my mouth so I hold it in.

"Hello ladies." A little boy says from behind us.

I turn around with a cookie in my hand that I was about to shove into my mouth.

"Hello. And you are?" Dahlia asks for me while I try to hurry up and chew the food that's in my mouth.

Five little boys gather with him and I recognize all of them immediately even though they are younger then they were in the book.

The six capture targets of {Thorn On A Vine}.

It's called {Thorn On A Vine} because at the end of the book, me and Dahlia get hanged. Our last name is 'Thorn' so we are hanged on a 'vine' but it's actually a rope.

I like the name of the book and game, but I don't like how it ends.

I didn't care for any of the main characters, I was only in it for the hot dads. My dads hot too, but he's my dad and when I grow up, I'll be way to good for him anyways.

Sorry dad, even if we weren't related, you never had a shot...

"...and that's is Jason Locheart." Damien finishes introducing all of them.

I might have zoned out but who cares? I already know who they all are.

"I am Dahlia Thorn and that is my-" She pauses as she sees me shoving another cookie in my mouth "-My sister Aconitum Thorn." She says as she looks away from me.

They all look between me and Dahlia with looks of 'love at first sight' in their eyes.

But for which one of us?

Me and Dahlia shared guys in our past life, we didn't do any weird stuff with each other, but we didn't have a problem with sharing a guy.

But Dahlia likes the sweet and innocent guys, the shy guys.

Me? I like the guys who are absolutely obsessed with me in every way. I like the guys who cannot keep their hands off of me because I'm sexy as hell.

We have different tastes but I accept her for her shitty taste in guys...

But, we also sometimes liking the guys who are opposite of what we had originally wanted. Sometimes I want to ruin a guy, and sometimes Dahlia wants to be ruined by a guy...

"Sup!" I say after I swallow the last cookie in my mouth.

Dahlia glares at me and I immediately try and correct myself, she might snitch to our mom and I don't wanna have another scolding with her.

"O-oh i mean...I hope y'all have been enjoying yourselves." I say to them as me and Dahlia curtesy at the same time.

[Stupid, don't mess this up] She scolds me through our link.

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