The Worst!

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I ignore the yells and shouts from the people in front of me and I pull out a small beed from my pocket. It might seem like nothing much but it's actually a one-time teleportation device.

I turn around and reach out my empty hand, feeling the flow of my mana that is holding down the rats.

Then, I crush the beed in my fingers and darkness consumes me. I blink and open my eye to find myself under my empires palace.

It's feels so good to be back home~~~

"Look at you-" I glare at all five of my rats "-You tried to kill your master. Despicable." I say as I shake my head in disapproval with a sigh.

"Release us!" Azar yells at me with a growl and the rest immediately speak up and agree with him.

"Calm down, calm down...jeez. It seems as if we have a lot to talk about, eh?" I ask them as I sit down on the floor, crossing my legs with my hands folded in my lap.

"Let me go and I'll give you something to talk about." Scout says with a growl.

"Nice comeback, but the only thing I'd be talking about if I let you go. Would be the fact that you'd TRY dragging you bloody body towards me so that you could TRY and do something. I fucked up you wings and your sides, you are only alive right now, because I let you live." I say as I narrow my eyes at him in a glare.

The rest keep quiet while the avoid eye contact with me.

"I can still breathe which me-." I cut the winged rat bastard off.

"Scout, you are only breathing because I let you breathe, because I didn't puncture your lungs and instead avoided them and hit different organs. The only reason any of you are living, is because I gave you life, is because I let you live." I sneer as I pointedly look at all of them.

"I could've killed you." Ghi says but he doesn't look at me.

"Ya, if I was sleeping, you overweight scaled-rat. If you could've killed me, why didn't you. You'd only be able to kill me if I was on my death bed and I decide to be a saint and release you from your contract. You're overestimating yourself." I say to him "Anyone else wanna say something while you slowly bleed to death?" I ask them all with a shrug.

I smirk when none of them answer me.

I add healing magic into all of their magic constraints but I only add it very slowly and only a tiny bit at a time so that they don't get too strong too fast.

"Now, I sincerely apologize for abandoning you all eight years ago. I'm sorry for cutting you all off without a warning or heads-up. I-I won't give you any excuses because I could've taken you all with me or at least told you all but I didn't. I'm instead I ran away because things got hard and shitty. I apologize." I tell them truthfully.

I feel tears form in the corners of my eyes but I don't let them fall, instead I just look up to the ceiling.

I suddenly hear the rats sniffling and my eyes snaps to all of them, who somehow how tears falling down their faces and snot coming out of their noses as they try and play it off.

W-what's happening...?

"Master! You are the worst!" Azar suddenly yells at me and the rest follow him.

Did he become the leader after I renamed him?

"I thought that you were abandoning us!" Celeste sobs.

"We didn't cause enough chaos together and then you just up and left me! Watching and causing chaos is no fun without master being the one causing!" Cujo cries and I slightly flinch back...

Thorns On A Vine ~DISCONTINUED~Where stories live. Discover now