Dahlia? Aconitum?

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I feel trapped...but where? I can only see blackness, while hearing lullabies and two heart beats. I can feel Emma close to me but I'm not sure.

I reach out my hand and feels something hard so I press harder as on of the heart beats gets faster as a woman's giggles reach me.

W-where am I?

D-did truck-sama send us into a woman's womb? OH DEAR GOD PLEASE NOOOOOO!!!

I check my twin telepathy with Emma, you know, the perks of having a twin.

[Emma? You there?] I ask as I preset a little harder into the wall.

[EVA?! WHERE ARE WE?!] She screams in my head and I pull my hand away from the wall and touch my head.

[i-i think truck-sama got us...] I say to her.

[Truck-sama? Are you serious right now? That doesn't actually happen to people, you know?] She says to me.

[Well we aren't in a fucking coffin together! Plus, I feel so much smaller and I feel cramped like hell. And can't you hear the heartbeats and that strange ladies voice?] I say as I glare at any and all directions.

[I'm going crazy, that's the only explanation. There's no way, and even if it was true. Where would we be reborn into?] She asks me.

[Obviously {Thorns On A Vine} it was the last thing you played and read and I don't read.] I say like the fucking genius I am.

[You're an idiot. But if we are actually in a...womb, then who's our new mom?] She asks me.

[Yes, because I'd know since I can see who we are currently in right now.] I say sarcastically [And it's possible, the famous truck-sama got us by surprise like everyone else. I hope I'm an OP character because that's what I wished for with my dying breath] I say honestly.

[You wished you were an OP character? YOU BROUGHT THIS UPON US?! UPON ME?!] She screams at me and I feel movement, probably from her.

She's so dramatic...sheesh.

[...maybe...] I say hesitantly.

I should've kept quiet, why'd I have to say something?

[ I'll kill you. ] She says to me and I feel light glares going everywhere.

[ You can't, I also said that I'd kill you with my dying breath. ] I tell her.

[Eva-!] She gets cut off as I feel unbearable pain.


It hurts so much but I've never been the one to express my emotions like pain and sadness, that's all Emma. I express whatever I feel like but never any weak emotions.

Someone grabs my head as I'm being pushed out of something but squeezed at the same time.

Soon, I just slide out like a water slide.

Someone starts wiping my face and body with a soft towel as a bright light makes me squeeze my eyes together.

"It's a healthy baby girl Duchess Thorn!" A cheery girls voice reaches my ears before an annoying baby's wailing also reaches my ears.

[Shut the hell up, Emma.] I say to her because I know that she's the only one who could be that annoying.

[ I'm in so much pain!! It hurts!] She screams as she continues to cry.

"Another baby healthy baby girl, Duchess Thorn." Another females voices reaches my ears.


Yep, this is definitely the game and book {Thorns On A Vine} there's no other thing that I can think of.

"Why can I only hear one? Is she dead?!" A woman says as she begins to cry.

"MY BABIES DEAD?!" A loud man's voice reaches my ears as a door is slammed opened.

I slowly open my eyes and for some reason...I begin to clench my small fists as if I'm trying to reach for something.

"N-no my lady no my lord! She's just frowning while reaching for something!" The maid holding me quickly says.

A man snatches me out of her arms and looks at me in the eyes.

[Of course your frowning.] Emma says to me.

[Of course you'd cry, little baby.] I fire back at her as she slowly stops crying.


"Oh...my baby girl, daddy loves you so very much!" The man holding me says.

I'm never calling you 'daddy' mr, I come from the modern world and they learned to sexualize that word so no thank you.

If I'm calling anyone 'daddy', it definitely won't be my actual dad.

*wink* *wink*

[Ha- your gonna be a daddies girl!] Emma laughs at me through our connection.

"You are so pretty my baby girl, I will call you Dahlia Grace Thorn! After the beautiful Dahlia flower." The woman, whom I now know is our mother, exclaims happily "Honey, bring our other daughter over here so they can meet each other." My mother says happily.

"Okay, honey." My father says back.

He starts moving us as I hold onto his finger for some reason.

He sits in a chair with me still in his arms as he shows me my mom and Emma.

[Holy shit Em! Our mom is crazy beautiful!] I yell at her.

[Right...] She says in a daze.

Our mom has light pink hair, pale porcelain skin, and dirt brown eyes. She is truly stunning just like she was in the game before she died.

My father has light brown hair, tan rough skin, and dark red eyes.

"What are you gonna name her, honey?" My mothers asks my father.

"Hmmm, how about Aconitum Grace Thorn, after the poisonous and dangerous Aconitum flower!" My father says happily.

"No, absolutely not." My mother immediately disagrees with my name.

I love that name! I'm dangerous and poisonous, dangerous and life threatening! I'm fucking amazing!!!

[Ha- dads trying to name you after something deadly. I have a beautiful name.] Em- Dahlia tries to boast to me about her name.

[ The dahlias are a pretty flower but so are Aconitum flowers but my flower is deadly!] I say with an evil laugh.

My parents stop arguing and look at me with wide eyes. My moms blushing while my dad looks extra prideful.

Huh? What's going on?

"See, she even likes her own name!" My father says as my mother sends him a small glare.

"Fine." My mother says.

"Duchess, Duke, shall I take the children to rest now?" A maid asks.

Now that you say it...I do feel quite tired right now.

"Yes, please. And make sure not to separate the two, I feel like they'll hate that. I feel like they'll be glued to the hips forever." My mother says with a giggle as me and Dahlia are taken from our parents arms.

"Yes, duchess." The maids who are carrying us, say.

[Heh Aconitum, I actually kinda like your name. It suits you and your personality.] Dahlia says to me as we are carried down a long hallway.

[Thanks, Dahlia fits you too. If we look anything like our parents, both of our names will fit us perfectly.] I say back to her as my eyelids get droopy.

[Yeah...] Her voice trails off as we both fall asleep in the maids arms.

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