Tainted Air, Bumpy Grounds, Dark Sky

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The darkness releases me and I immediately fall to my knees as I start screaming, letting the tears flow down my face like a waterfall.

I let it all out even though I know that it won't be enough.

She lied to me, she deceived me. She let me go through all that pain alone and gave me false hope.

I prayed that every day would be my last there so that I could go home to see her again. I never let her face leave my mind, not even once.

I killed people...

I tainted my hands with blood before I even had my first period in this life...ha...this is truly comical. She was the only thing that I hung on to, the only string of hope I had but I didn't even know that she had cut that string a long time ago.

She wasn't like this in our first life, she was just a normal girl but she's now something that I can't find the words for.

I use to be able to recognize you even with a blindfold on and ear plugs in...but now I can't. I have no idea who- no, what she is now.

She let me get beaten and broken, she let me hold onto false hope.

Why didn't I know that the story had change in our first life? Was it because I never paid attention to it after Dahlia took an interest to it?

Is this my fault? What did I do wrong? Where did I go wrong? How could I let all of this happen?


One word with a million different hidden meanings.

I feel like I'm suffocating right now, I feel like even with the moon shining down on me that there's no light anywhere.

I always told myself 'Never regret a day in your life. For good days bring you happiness and bad days being you experience.' but right now, I only regret everything.

I thought that she was a saint, someone who would always be there for me and protect me when I couldn't protect myself. I thought that she was my best friend, my sister by blood and in life.

But I didn't know that the only reason I couldn't protect myself is because she was the one who hurt me.

I didn't know that it was true, that she was everything that I'm not and everything that I am at the same time. I thought that because I was 'normal' that she'd be 'normal' too.

But I was only lying to myself...she's crazy and she's going to get us both killed in the end.

"A-Aco...? Is that you?" I hear a timid voice say from behind me.


"A-are you okay? We all heard screaming so I volunteered to come out here and see, the rest are on their way...Is everything alright?" He asks me nervously.

I want to cut all ties with her...even if it means that I need to travel across the world, preform ancient spells to change and modify my blood and my looks.

Even if it means that I need to change my identity all together. Even if it means that I need to start over from the beginning in a new empire and gain my own title.

I'll cut ties with...her...for good, no matter the costs...

"Aco-?" I cut Asher off.

"Take one more step near me and I'll kill you." I threaten him in all seriousness.

To make sure that not even my spirits can find me or talk to me, I fortify my mind like never before. They are somewhere and it's only a matter of time before they sense that something off.

"Asher! Is something wrong?!" I hear Gabriel yell in the distance.

"It's Aco! Something wrong!" He yells back but he doesn't take any steps closer to me, he even takes a few steps back.

I hear the sounds of rushing footsteps as the six boys start firing questions at me and Asher but Asher warns them not to come near me.

"Aconitum?!" I hear Jessie's voice from behind me.

I guess that she joined them...can you see it Dahlia? Everything's going the way you wanted it to...ha.

"Jessie...no need to offer me your first life oath anymore because I'm going to leave this empire tonight and you'll never see me again." I say with a short and dry laugh as I look up at the night sky.

I use to treasure this sky...but now it's so fucking ugly that I wish that I could destroy it.

"Aco-." Owen gets cut off.

"Be quiet! Let me handle her for now..." Jessie warns them and they all go quiet "What's going on Aconitum? I can help you." She tells me.

I hear her quiet footsteps getting closer to me so I use her own shadow to stop her from moving any closer.

"Help me...?" I ask.

"Yes, but you have to tell me what's going on first, then I can help you." She says in a low and calm voice as if we've been friends since day one.

"Can you kill my sister?" I ask her as I slowly look back at her.

They all gasp at my appearance, I don't know why, but they do.

"W-what?!" She asks in a surprised voice.

"Can you kill my sister? I can't...no matter what she does to me I can't even harm her. All of my threats are empty when it comes to her." I say with a dry laugh.

"W-why would you want to kill h-her?" She asks me in a slightly shaky voice.

"She let me get kidnapped. I don't know if you ever heard about it, but it was on our seventh birthday. She knew about it and didn't try helping me or warning me. She was suppose to tell the king that we could speak to each other through a connection in our minds but she didn't." I tell her.

I hear the boys talking amongst themselves in low voices but I can't make out the words.

"I-i don't understand..." Jessie says.

"It's okay...it's all okay. Everything fine...everything's always been fine...but I need to leave. So I'm going to leave as soon as we are done talking. I can't be near her, not even in the slightest." I tell her as I slowly start standing up.

I use my magic and clear grey wings appear on my back.

"Aconitum...please..." Jessie begs me.

A loud roar followed by four more are heard in the distance.

They finally realized that something was wrong...shame. I don't even want to say goodbye to them in all honesty. I want to forget them too.

"I have to go now, but I'll tell you something." I say as I walk towards her "I'm going to cut all ties with that bitch no matter the cost, then, once I do that. I'll come back and burn this fucking empire to the ground." I tell her before I leave the ground and soar into the sky.

I hear them screaming my name but they quickly fade away as I push my magic as fast as it'll go so that I can get far away from here.

My spirits won't be able to find me but I know that they won't give up.

They'll also cause a lot of chaos and damage, even Celeste, so that they can find me and / or figure what happened on this dark and cruel night. That's just who they are.

But while they do that, I'll find a way to get rid of 'Aconitum Grace Thorn' and I'll become someone new all together.

I'll do whatever it takes to erase Dahlia and my connection. I don't want the same face, hair, eyes, blood, name or anything that's the same as hers. I'll become someone new and leave everything else in the past...

I'll breathe the tainted air, walk the bumpy ground and live under the dark sky...

Thorns On A Vine ~DISCONTINUED~Where stories live. Discover now