Chapter 26; Power of Sympathy

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Rebellion doesn't last for too many days.

This is what the two fathers had been thinking this whole time. They let things flow for the same of their relations with their respective kids and were absolutely dying inside to rip them apart, the only thing holding back was this thought lingering in the back of their heads telling them that this whole ordeal wouldn't last long.

Oh, how wrong they were.

It had been a month. The paparazzi had conveniently slower down and taken up other hotter subjects, the young CEOs were still persistent on not leaving each other. It was finally time for the fathers to think and talk about this situation which didn't seem to have an end anymore.

Nathaniel had arranged this special and probably the most important meeting of his life in his own personal office. The only invited people were Baylan, Johnathan and Ambrose. An interesting one indeed.

He had been anxiously waiting since morning, having cleaned up every area of his office. It looked too neat to be belonging to a busy CEO like him but he knew he couldn't dare make a bad impression right now.

It was soon 10 AM and the punctual CEO and the two ex-CEOs made it right on time, altogether. There was an awkward silence among the four when they seated on the luxurious couch placed in his office. The seating arrangement was somewhat like this: Nathaniel sitting next to Ambrose, across from Johnathan and Braylon sitting across from the only girl in the room with a small table separating them.

"So," Nathaniel started, knowing very well no one else was willing to do so.
"About our relationship...we're still very sure about it. How much more convincing does it need?" He broke down the shell towards the end, looking at none of them particularly.

The two fathers remained silent, both their gazes elsewhere. Definitely not ready to look their way.

"Dad, I'm sorry but you need to talk. We can't figure it out this way." Ambrose spoke, voice seeming to be firmer than ever.

"Figure out what, Ambrose? I think you've already figured out everything about life without my consultation." Johnathan scoffed, arms folding across his chest as he side-eyed his daughter's boyfriend.

"I understand the rivalry." Nathaniel started off, noticing the sudden tension in the air. It was now when he finally gained their attention fully and Ambrose seemed to be easing down.

She had always remained a closed off person and didn't know how to have such confrontations and talks so she was very glad that Nathaniel was taking the lead.

"I just don't understand why it has to continue. Our companies have caused a lot of harm to each other's and I feel really guilty about that. But do we have to keep doing this? Why do we have to be a part of this when we can overcome these differences." Nathaniel sighed. The men seemed to be listening but weren't necessarily too convinced by it.

He took a deep breath before getting up from his spot and took some slow steps forth. He respectfully kneeled down before a surprised Johnathan who seemed to be caught off guard at the unexpected behaviour. Ambrose was too shocked to say the least, eyes turning wider as she too got up from her spot.

"I do remember instances of harming or intending to bring harm to your company from the past and today I want to apologize for that. Please forgive me and give your daughter and me a chance to prove ourselves."

Well, Mr. Braylon McCoy seemed to be the most affected by this.

"Nathaniel, what the fuck are you doing! This is-" Braylon was cut off when Ambrose knelt down before him, a small smirk plastered on her face which was totally hidden from everyone else due to her gaze directed towards the ground.

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