Chapter 24; I Trust You

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It was a gloomy Sunday morning for both the companies. Phone calls by the press, close relatives and business partners had flooded the McCoy and Bechtel houses. It was the day the two young CEOs had dreaded. The day they never thought they would be prepared enough for.

To summarise, a paparazzi had spotted Nathaniel and Ambrose in a restaurant a few weeks ago and without a second thought published the picture. This was all that the ruckus was about. The picture wasn't all too suggestive but it was clear that they were either extremely good friends or committed lovers.

Nathaniel had been called to his father's room long ago and he didn't have it in him to walk. His feet wouldn't move at all, having locked himself up in his room since morning. He had a brief talk with Ambrose to ask how she was holding up but she simply said she would explain it to him later. It was concerning to say the least. She did not have the habit of beating around the bush and based off her reply, it was quite evident that things did not go too well for her.

He finally filled himself up with a new wave of courage and walked through the corridor, soon entering his father's room.

"Dad, I'm here." He spoke anxiously, his heartbeat had started to pick up its pace the moment he saw his dad sitting on his chair, waiting for his son to arrive. He could also spot his mother, sitting next to him with a worried outlook.

"Anything you want to say?" He asked in advance, gaze piercing right through Nathaniel's eyes.

When he heard no response from the boy, he got up from his spot and walked closer to his son. Height almost similar, the two stood at the same level, Mrs. McCoy watching the scene unfold without having anything to say.

"You know what, Nathaniel? When I handed over the company to you, I gave you freedom for everything. There was one thing I asked you to not do. Association with the Bechtel group." He sighed, disappointed as he said so.

Nathaniel could feel his throat turning dry, words getting caught up. He didn't know what to say, how to act.

"Man makes mistakes. I get it. But what you did is no less than a crime. The Bechtels have never wanted good for us and stayed as our rivals for the past fifteen years. You think you and your little girlfriend can change that? Y'all are suddenly revolutionaries now, aren't you?" He chuckled, watching his son's face convulsing in slight annoyance he was trying his very best to hide.

"It took me years to build this company. What happened with you last month where Johnathan exposed loopholes has happened with me as well. Some things never change, Nathan. You think she is going to be any better?"

Nathaniel didn't dare utter a word. He wordlessly heard his father, taking in the angry and gut wrenching words being thrown at him.

"Millions of people in the world and you find her? That arrogant little CEO who doesn't even deserve the title? She was never meant to lead the company, her cousin was! Johnathan was enough of a snake to fight his way through and ruin his relations with the rest of his family just so his daughter could be on the top. He does not have good intentions, you've seen it!"

It was now when Nathaniel couldn't stand still without making a noise which would catch his father's notice. He let out a small chuckle, gaze still directed at the ground. The tiny little laugh was enough for the man to stop in his tracks and pass his son a look of sheer disbelief.

"You're...laughing?" He was in absolute shock. This was not who his son was.

"He did all of it for his daughter, dad. Wouldn't you have done it too?" Nathaniel asked, finally looking up and eyes meeting his father's perplexed ones

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