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Doyoung and Junkyu has been working all day. They did laundry, which they washed not their clothes but their 4 stepsisters clothes. Now, they've been sitting to the big tree behind their house after hanging out the clothes.

Doyoung: Hyung, I have a dream last night.

Junkyu: What's your dream?

Doyoung was about to open his mouth when they heard something from their fence. And there came out their three friends. Sunoo, who was Sunghoon's boyfriend and Jay. They walked towards them.

Sunoo: Trust me Junkyu, I know what is Doyoung's dream?

Junkyu: Well, hi there Sunoo, Jay and Sunghoon.

Jay and Sunghoon: Hello!

The three sat down in circles along with Doyoung and Junkyu.

Doyoung: So my dream is that, I was walking around and I stumbled and almost fell but-

Junkyu: Prince Yedam catched you and stare at you nyenyenyenye---

Jay: Aishhh, Doyungie your dreaming of him everyday.

Jay calls him that because he found Doyoung cute and the two was like his brothers now.

Doyoung: No!! You got it wrong.

Sunghoon: And for the first time in history since your dream changed... What's your new dream?

Sunghoon asked him in his " wow " tone.

Doyoung: So I fell and then I realized that I was sleeping.

Every gave him a disappointed stare.

Sunoo: Wow, just tell me if that was a joke and we will all laugh.

Doyoung just hissed at him and became silent.

Jay: By the way, are you two not tired of working here all day. Like they didn't treat you two like a part of the family but just a worker.

Junkyu: To be honest, we two wanted to leave here but my mother's memories is here and it's hard leaving the house since we were born there.

Sunoo: Just be patient hyung and you two can get up.

Junkyu: Thank you Sunoo.

Doyoung: I didn't know Sunoo can talk like that.

All of them laughed.

Sunghoon: By the way, I heard some news that the Royal Palace will be having a Royal ball next week and all households are invited.

Jay: And why would they do that?

Junkyu: I guess because they're trying to find some suitable girls or..... boys to the crown Prince.

Junkyu: ohhhhhhhhh...

Sunoo: Will you go babe?

Sunghoon: Yes babe and you will be my first and last dance.

Sunoo:, Ohhhh, so sweet.

Doyoung: ugh! Can you please stop flirting infront.

Sunoo: You're just jealous because Yedam wouldn't notice you.

Doyoung:Well that's a pity for him.

Jay: And why is that?

Doyoung: Because he doesn't have a chance to meet someone as cute, fabulous and beautiful person like me. He said as he flip his imaginary hair.

( The confidence though :> )

Jay: I love your confidence.

Sunoo: Woi Jay!! He teased him.

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