Cinderella (Part 1) (SpicyNoodles)

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A/N: Romantic Scenario, This is just a rough version, of the concept of Cinderella. I'm still thinking of some ideas and planning on creating a longer one.

Don't mind the sketch, It doesn't have to do anything with the story:v

TW: Third(?) Degree Burns, Toxic Mindset & Hostage Situation.


Standing by one another, the bodies were illuminated by the moon's light. The shadows cast on the red-dyed cemented floor were reminiscent of the people that made them, although one looked more menacing than the other, but was hardly noticed.

"Aww, What utter shame..I, was looking forward to spending the entire night with you" Speaking bluntly at the chocolate-haired adult sudden, request to leave. The noble's tone was laced with disappointment and lack of sympathy for the brunette's situation.

Earlier, They were chit-chatting, about the tales of Sun Wukong, even when Red himself never enjoyed grand stories of his nemesis, to the point where he loathed it as it made a dent in his father's honor. He, couldn't stop the fiery passion that his beloved was showing, with narrating each new tale, It soon shifted to the story of Cinderella, except the Chinese version and not the heavily westernized one.

Yet, It always abruptly ends, when the clock almost hit midnight.

"What can I say? This kid got some plans. It was nice talking to you though" The young adult, with olive-hue skin, only shook his head, at his acquaintance's petty reaction, meeting him about two moons ago, so couldn't call Red Son a friend yet, much less, more than that.

If Red could hear their thoughts, about just being an acquaintance and barely even a friend. He'd be in total dismay.

A sad smile formed on the brunette's lips and spoke out, while placing their palm on his shoulder, giving it a light pat, that may or may not have sent shivers done the pale demon's spine.

Aside from that, It felt comfy, of how smooth, the fabric was, of the Prince's deep crimson hanfu; a smooth yet elegant set of robes with colors that only ranged to numerous shades of red and black to make it pop out. The traditional clothing was a huge contrast from the adult's hand that was rough on the palms, due to all the laboring work, such as working in a noodle shop but didn't tell the high-ranked noble any details of their work.

"Don't worry, RedBoy. We'll meet again someday"

Though, The heir to the Demon Bull Clan didn't approve of being called, his old title. He'd make an exception, for Monkie Kid, as it was an odd name indeed, the older demon couldn't help but question if this was a nickname or an alias. Either way, That wasn't his main concern.

What concerned Red greatly, was the way the taller adult said, 'Someday'
Unlike, The previous two nights, They would always say tomorrow or a specific date. How come this one was vague-?

"Don't worry, we will meet again someday" Hearing MK, reassuringly repeat a similar phrase. His thin and bony fingers tapped hastily on the balcony's ledge, as it didn't reassure him at all. It only made the orange-eyed demon, go deeper into an anxious state even worse, that beads of hot sweat came running down his face.

The sweat looked like sparks, of fire, or molten lava.

Red Son's Cinderella, was already stepping away from him, casually walking towards the metallic door, and holding on to the knob, as his back was facing the noble demon. MK's hand gave the knob, a tight squeeze, but felt how warm the temperature was getting, despite it being, the middle of the night, or to be specific, close to midnight.

"Someday?" The male, in silk-like clothing, repeated to himself, voice quieting down, almost similar to a whisper, but more of a broken record. As if it was set to flames, that could no longer play correctly.

The crimson-haired Yaoguai, refused to make the same petty mistake, as the Prince did in the story, by allowing the Princess to run away, as he wasn't the type to let History repeat himself.

The noble, didn't need to be a genius, to know that his beloved flame, should even escape this oversized mansion in the first place. Red Son's voice grew louder as he stared down at the other man but maintained its low whisper-like tone, as if he wanted to keep the question to himself but still wanted them to hear it

"But when will someday happen?"

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