Chess (Draft) (Macaque & MK)

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AN: This is the draft version! Meaning that this will be heavily different to the final product, Just wanted to show you guys a little something of the process <3

TW: Isolation, Mentions of Touch Deprived, Trauma and Slowly going insane.
(Not sure if these are the right tags honestly)


For him, The young prodigy was a mere pawn, another pawn— for his game.
Just another piece to complete the full set.

Was MK just a 'pawn'? To be controlled and manipulated to his own liking, but pawns were easily disposable once their use has met their end.

MK was anything but that

He wanted MK, to be easily controlled to do his own bidding, but disposable, No? That single human was a viable asset for Macaque.

A weapon for him to use.

The animalistic demon kneeled down, to pick up the broken bits, of the wooden test dummy that was brutally destroyed.

His moves, were not calculative
Strategic at best
Harsh, for some
Brutal, was a better word for it.

Strike your enemies, as if that was the last move.

His eyes, spotted a small ripped piece of fabric, a red, a deep red cloth.

He twirled it around his furry fingertips, the faint whiff of dust was picked up by his heightened senses.

The red cloth looked old, It didn't take a no brainer, to notice that.

But picked up another scent, of spoiled noodles, and smashed peaches.

He knew who this was from, but simply refused to try and acknowledge it

Unfortunately, his brain said otherwise.

Too easy to decipher, just from the cloth and scent, that this was a ripped fabric that came from MK.

He, closed his eyes for a moment, trying to figure out how this scarf landed on the floors of his doju.

If Wukong, that bastard of an immortal sage wasn't always on the delivery boy's back constantly, then Macaque could have weapon, a weapon that not humanity could destroy!

Not even the Sage, itself.

Grasping, on the fabric tightly, squeezing it on his hand.

As lonely, as it was, the dark-haired Monkey refused to admit that, even loathing the fact on how weak he was for letting the feeling of loneliness creep to his mind.

Longing for company, yet turned away numerous of students, even Bai He, as he barely found her suitable for his skills.

He wanted something, else.

MK— something even more but there was nobody like that boy.

He wanted someone as thick skulled like MK,

The closest person or demon, was Wukong but even then. Macaque already closed off his heart to hi
Perhaps, It wasn't for the reason, of ruining of Humanity of wanting MK.

Maybe, it was just company, someone to call his own, a partner, prodigy, or along those lines.

No one like MK, really made him feel even included, and was only one that convinced during battle, by a few simple words

And only him, nobody else could do what the brunette did.

Macaque, thought about this, perhaps his the fool, the pawn in this chess game.

❛𝐼𝑛𝑓𝑎𝑡𝑢𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛❜ [LMK Oneshots]  (Platonic & Romantic Yandere)Where stories live. Discover now