Cyberstalking (Mei & Chang'e)

704 9 13

Prompt: Five Stages of G̶r̶i̶e̶f̶ Infatuation

TW: Denial, Parasocial Relationship, Cyberstalking, Spiraling to Obsession, Implied Low Self-esteem or Low Insecurities, Mention of Doxxing and Unhealthy Mindset.

Authors Note, is longer than usual so It's down at the bottom. As usual, You can freely view, this as platonic or romantic, as it doesn't change the story, either way.



Shifting her gaze back at the night sky, Mei only noticed how the skies, were glimmering brightly today, more than usual, since her attention, earlier was focused more on the moon. She sighs mournfully while tossing and turning her bed. The soft mattress, and fluffed-up pillows, couldn't help comfort her this time.

"I, wish you would only perform for me" She whispered to 'nobody' in particular and thought to focus more, on the little picture and the small moments too. To breathe in the moment, instead of always rushing with everything.

Taking a few deep breaths, It helped subside the negative feeling churning inside her chest, but secretly, wished she was like a star, a carefree star that's only purpose in life was to twinkle and that, alone, can make anyone admire them.

A star, to be placed beside the Moon.



"Look Mei! They added a new character"

Even though The charcoal-haired adult, never felt overshadowed by her companions, She, instead, felt a tad bit underappreciated, not because of the countless Merch, that was all over stores nor the attention the crew was getting all over town but rather that one time.

"Scooch over, Monkey Man"

"Check it out! It's me!"

That one time, where Chang'e herself, created pastries, based on MK and Wukong, as a way to show her gratitude and to thank them for stopping total world domination.

It was just a one-time thing, but it stuck to her chest like glue.

But not her, her who, controlled and bent the Samadhi fire to her will.

"Gosh damn, Your character sprite does look fine but, I still prefer the Moon inspired one, over it any day"

Even though, Red Boy—Son, said something about not controlling the ability and just co-exist alongside it, or was something along those lines. Mei didn't really care, since she just wanted Chang'e to thank her too, even if it was a simple letter.

But to there defense, Her three companions, Wukong, Pigsy and her best friend, were the only only ones that was able to fly through the moon due to the lack of space so didn't hold any grudge, besides, It was hilarious to watch Tang, trying to babysit a small sized Sandy.

She just wanted to feel special by her favorite icon.



Often times, The ebony-haired girl, would imagine that the Moon Goddess, that was broadcasting, her baking skills on live television was just for her and nobody else, at all, as some sort of coping mechanism and to comfort herself during those awful days.

A sort of escapism

Her social media account, did have a massive following and it could, help her with trying garner's Chang'e attraction, but it felt too simple and easy, and kept on having a feeling, that her account, wasn't worthy enough for the Moon Goddess, as it was used for casual live streaming, and business promotions.

❛𝐼𝑛𝑓𝑎𝑡𝑢𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛❜ [LMK Oneshots]  (Platonic & Romantic Yandere)Where stories live. Discover now