Company (Macaque & MK)

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A/N: As usual, whether you view this as romantic or platonic. Please note that this relationship is unhealthy


Studying his expression, Macaque moved a pawn forward, and watched intently on how MK's expression subtly shifted, his brow more furrowed.

He could tell, that the young adult was trying his best to not show any emotions, as Macaque moved his knight forward, successfully eating up another white pawn.

"Concentrate, You're being lousy like your Mentor." The dark furred monkey commented, his voice low yet clear, it wasn't meant to be seen as menacing but rather insulting. It was clear, considering how MK's eye slightly twitched but held his tongue.

'So obedient.' Macaque thought, on how the brunette was lately, doing every order he'd asked.

Similarly to the chest pieces, he pondered if MK just a 'pawn'? To be controlled and manipulated to his own liking, but pawns were easily disposable once their use has met their end.

The brunette was anything but that.

Those unholy thoughts distracted him enough, that the brunette manage to take advantage of the lousy placement of the black piece and manage to eat one of the horse.

"A weapon." He muttered, lowly under his breath and didn't care if MK was aware of his intentions now.

Macaque, closed his eyes for a moment when it was his turn and to figure out how to land the next chest piece

If Wukong, that bastard of an immortal sage wasn't always on the delivery boy's back constantly, then Macaque could have weapon, a weapon that not even humanity nor the Jade Palace could destroy!

Not even the Sage, itself.

Grasping on the chest piece tightly, squeezing it on his hand as he moved pawn forward.

"Your turn."

Laughter erupted in his doja room when MK's knight piece ate the dark ones, esctatic that he had more chest piece than ever.

It was those times, that sound where Macaque missed having company.

Such times where he longed for someone.

As lonely, as it was, the dark-haired monkey refused to admit openly, even loathing the fact on how weak he was for letting the feeling of loneliness creep to his mind.

Longing for company, yet turned away numerous of students, even Bai He, as he barely found her suitable for his skills.

He wanted something, else.

MK was a good option— no one could be at his level, there was no one like that boy.

Maybe he has the fondness for his thick skull that it even made him chuckle a little, as in the end of this whole game. The prodigy managed to win this round after so many failed attempts and even jumped in joy

Thinking about it now, the closest person or demon, was Wukong  but Macaque already closed off his heart to him.

Now, he's trying to open up to the mortal youngster even when his reasons for doing so was— unhealthy.

Maybe, it was just company, someone to call his own, a partner, prodigy, or along those lines.

No one like MK, really made him feel even  included, and was only one that convinced him during battle, by just a few simple words

And only him, nobody else could do what the brunette did.

"And checkmate~" His voice rang proudly around the dojo

Macaque, thought about this, perhaps his the fool, the pawn in his own little chess game.

A complete fool. How he used the reason of wanting a weapon as an excuse to just have MK by his side.

How pitiful.

He was truly a fool.

❛𝐼𝑛𝑓𝑎𝑡𝑢𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛❜ [LMK Oneshots]  (Platonic & Romantic Yandere)Where stories live. Discover now