Bird's Cage (ShadowPeach)

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Prompt: Wukong, just wants to give out a gift to appease his companion.

A/N: I'm currently working on Part Two, of Distant Memory, but in between that, I'm also writing the chapter between Wukong and Nezha. It's still in the draft process, as I'm horrible at writing action scenes, lmao.

This chapter is rushed, because It's late at night, and I have the morning shift in two hours. I haven't slept yet.

Jesus, Help me ༎ຶ‿༎ຶ
I'm always feeling restless.

As usual, In every chapter, You're free to view this romantically or platonically, but personally for this one. It's meant to be queerplatonic instead.

TW: Angst, Subtle Themes of Kidnapping, Unhealthy and Toxic Mindset.


"Why are you always, acting so cold towards me?" Wukong frowned deeply as he felt emotionally agitated, ever since the six-eared demon whom he cared deeply for, was becoming more and more distant everyday, even when he personally, tried to seek out for amendments or peace.

"Can't you see I'm trying to fix everything?" They still avoided his presence, and the thought of losing Macaque, drove the Monkie King, almost to the brink of insanity.

He, even bought this little birdie to help loosen up the tense atmosphere, but the constant chirping must have frustrated the six-eared demon, instead.

Perhaps, It wasn't such a good idea since Macaque, covered his multi-colored ears but the Monkie Kid, pouted-He was trying his best to glue the pieces again.

The bird didn't even have any symbolism, It was a simple creature, with charcoal feathers, with a red tint on its face, just like Macaque.

The ebony-furred demon, glanced away, averting his attention to somewhere else as staring at his golden eyes would simply overwhelm them. Their expression clearly showed pure frustration, and the overwhelming feeling caused him to lash out.

"For once, Stop acting like the victim here!" He raised his voice while slapping away the cage from the Sage's hand, They didn't want that pointless gift, especially something that chirped loudly like good 'ol monkey king here.

"Mango, Please, Just tell me what to do" Monkie King tried his best to reassure him while caressing his cheek, trying to comfort the dark-furred monkey as he wasn't able to handle the distance anymore "Just tell me the problem so I can help you, Partners help each other, right?"

"Mango.." The, six eared demon that could become one with shadows, wanted to disappear and tried his best to not dwell too much on the past but the memories he once cherished with Wukong, that was hidden in the back of his head, were now flooding all over his mind, overwhelming him with uncertainty, despair and the old familiar feeling, which was heartbreak.

It was that old nickname, again.

"Then, will you run away with me?" His, eyes faintly glow, and whispered, His breathing was shaky and unstable as he forced himself to finally gaze upon him, only to regret his decesion as Wukong's expression was unread,able and that alone, made him feel quezy, shown as his lips we're quivering.

His eyes widen, hearing that request spill out of his lips "Wouldn't that mean leaving the others?" The Sage mumbled, barely audible but knew quite well that Macaque could hear him.

They couldn't bring themselves to respond , and muttered out a chant, under his breath to which a blackened portal appeared, as if trying to escape this tense conversation. The dark-furred demon, didn't want an excuse, They wanted a straightforward and blunt answer, even if that answer was a simple 'no'

Macaque, took a single step into the portal, the void almost consuming his body and send him to another place, somewhere, far away from here. The atmosphere or the thick tension, suffocated him, inside out, that it made him feel regret for asking for Wukong to come with him and was naive enough to think that a simple question would magically solve his problems.

"Wait! Don't go yet" Monkie King gripped on their wrist tightly, pulling him closer as a poor attempt to make him stay a bit longer, only wishing for him to stay a little longer

The dark furred monkey only midway inside the void, stopped in his tracks, had a teary-eyed expression as he glanced over his shoulder, finally have the courage again to stare Wukong directly in the eye yet the anxious feeling was eating him alive "You abandoned me, almost fought me to death"

"And now, you're taunting me with this sugar coated words, saying you'll do anything"

"I meant, every word I say" The immortal being muttered, already having a healthy and loving, family-like relationship with the people from the journey, but was having second thoughts about it, the bond he has, with the gang was healthy yet was he happy? The answer was always unclear.

"But, I just can't leave the others"

The answer would flicker between a yes or a no, There were times, where he'd regret his decesion, during those days, when self-doubt plagued him, but most of the time, would actually praise himself to breaking out from his comfort zone and actually forged a friendship with the others

Wukong's heart and brain, was playing tricks on him, He had been suffering for awhile since he had conflicted feelings towards this matter. He wanted to stay, with his crew while also maintaining a peaceful bond.

'Liar, Why can't you say you're tricking me instead?' Macaque, spoke to his mind. It was ironic how he was the Trickster God yet, was always the one getting tricked by the people around him. He, smacked Wukong's hand, not wanting to be grasped and left the miserable King alone to his own defeaning thoughts.

But in reality, Both of them were getting tricked.

"If that's the case, I'll leave this town without you"

Wukong watched them disappear into the hallow void, heart clenched tightly at Macaque's last words. It was a pitiful sight to behold, especially with his dampened expression, warm tears just threatening to fall out.

They, didn't even bother to say a single goodbye to him, nor an apology to the bird that was lying inside the cage, unconscious due to his quick and sudden temper tantrum.

"If only we hadn't pushed each other away before..." His breathing becoming shaky and slow, feeling a painful headache hitting him "...Than things would have been different"

The orange-hued monkey knew, he couldn't leave, just leave his teammates and friends, but at the same time, also wanted to abide Macaque's Request, because he adored him, and wanted to stay by his side.

Wukong, now alone, took a step towards the discarded bird's cage. The bird, clearly in pain after being tossled like that, made the Monkie King sigh, before opening the cage and setting the poor critter free.

That's when it dawned on him. The idea just clicked, when he stared at the dented bird cage, a soft smile creeping to his face.

Wukong cheerfully laughed to himself, He could still stay with the others while still being able to be with Macaque, He knew that his mango loving companion, wouldn't listen to his words and trying to convince him to stay but, he didn't try brute force yet.

He just needed a bigger cage.

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