Tragedy (Wukong & MK (Reincarnation)

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A/N: Unfortunately, I'm unable to finish and completely rewrite this, so decided to post this for now but don't expect much :'>

This has been a draft for months
Might, rework this when I have time.


TW: Platonic Yandere, Mention of Death, Lying, Toxic Relationship, and Toxic Mindsent




Dying from old age, wasn't tragic.

But for Sun Wukong, It was.

Even though, It was a peaceful way to leave this earth.

To be surrounded by loved ones, before blissfully sleeping in a forever slumber.
He knew, he could never experience that.

Often times, if not everyday, He regrets eating those immortality peaches, those pills, and even training with the monk, in order to gain immortality, because that meant out living his loved ones.

He out lived, all his friends from the past

It was a bittersweet and constant reminder, that everyone he ever loves will die from an old age.

He will outlive, everyone he ever cared about.

That's why he considered it so tragic, because he could never die with them and only watch helplessly, as the life in their eyes disappear. 

"Kiddo, It's too soon" He whimpered, holding to a shaky and wrinkling hand, He stared at his successor, that was being hooked to a life support. Already a shivering old man.

Just a blink of an eye, and that adventure, felt like it was just a passing second.

"Stop calling me that, I'm already an old geezer" MK, laughed before choking out a cough, Wukong immediately getting up to pat on his back and give him some water.

"I'll stop calling you that, if you actually eat the fruit I gave you"

"Peaches of immortality?"

"Of course not! I got them from the market!"

"Monkie King, I may be old but my eyesight isn't terrible, I know those peaches when I see them"

"F-fine, but please reconsider? We don't have much time left and I'm worried—I don't wanna lose you"

Mk, could only sigh at his request and slowly squeezed the Sage's hand. He looked at him, with longing but knew deep down, He couldn't stay immortal forever.

"Wukong" He spoke, ever so gently "I can't do that, I have to move on and be with the others"

"W-What about me?" He cried out.

Mk, sadly smiled and beckoned the monkey to come closer, letting him lie his head down on his lap.

"I'm sorry, My king but you'll have to find other people now. Don't let my death stop you from connecting with others"

Wukong,cried loudly, but stopped his breakdown when MK, started coughing hysterically to the point, where blood was spilling out.

He, immediately handed him water and circular pills, but MK, had swatted it away. A bitter sweet smile on his face

"Pills of immortality, too? You're always the stubborn one"

Mk, laughed sadly before giving Wukong a hug, He lost another friend.

The heart monitor stopped beeping.

"W-wait! Don't leave me...please"




It's been a near a century, that MK had passed and Wukong, spent most of his time, laying beside his resting sight.

It was at the cliff, where he and MK, use to watch the sunset and the fireworks. Wukong, would mindlessly say what he'd been doing so, and no matter what he did.

He, had trouble opening up again. 

It been terrible for him too, as just a five years ago, Macaque also succumbed to old age. Only reaching a few thousands years old, unlike Wukong, who was a hundred—no- thousand years old now.

He lost count, how long he'd been here?

He walked, towards the old dojo. It also succumb to old age. Wukong, had trouble with keeping it intact especially with his declining mental health, the weapons were polished and nicely arranged but the place, was a wreck, with the floorboards creaking and dust everywhere.

It wasn't until, he reached the tattered curtains that there was a young child, hiding.


"You shouldn't be here" He spoke, a bit coldly. It's been too long since someone intiated conversation with him, so his social skills wasn't too great.

The child, walked slowly towards him. Wukong, took another step backwards, a bit nervous on what to do.

The child, held on his leg, like actually clamping

"Wait! Don't leave me, please"

Wukong, felt his heart clench tightly, It was the same words, to what he told his prodigy, but this touch and feeling, impulsively made him kick his leg, making the child tumble backwards.

Wukong, began to hyperventilate, the kid was knocked against the weapon stand, tears rolling down his cheeks.

The same way, as he cried when MK died.

He tried, escaping through his cloud, and leave this dojo, but the cries was ringing through his ears.

It felt like going through a fresh wround, all over again.

This felt too,much like the last interaction he had with MK, before leaving this bitter sweet world.

"I—Im sorry, You doin alright?"


Wukong, felt wrecked with guilt and tried to calm him down.

He spent, the next few hours, with fixing and pampering the child.

It, reminded him too much of MK, and he'll make sure, to keep this supposive his side.




"Master Wukong!"

"Hey, Why ya crying kiddo?"

The monkey, watched him grow into a fine young man, already catching up quickly to his expectations.

"The children in school bullied me"

" Ha! Why?"

" They, all said I'm a lonely child , and no one will ever love me"

" That's not true! I, and the others love you!" The Sage, curled his tail up, clearly referring to the monkeys, on Flower Fruit Mountain,but mostly to himself.

"I told them, that the Great Sage is my mentor, but they still bullied me for making me say make believe"

Wukong paused

"May I ask for their names?"

In that night, Three children were missing, never to be seen again.

Sun Wukong, promises to protect his child no matter what.

❛𝐼𝑛𝑓𝑎𝑡𝑢𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛❜ [LMK Oneshots]  (Platonic & Romantic Yandere)Where stories live. Discover now