Omegaverse AU (Red Son x MK)

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"Hey, Did you know the rumour of the prince, being an omega? "

" Pfft, Don't make me laugh. "

"I'm being serious! Don't you find it weird how he disappear, once a week, every month and nobody is allowed in his chambers? Not even his personal servants!"

"Nah, He's just a busy guy! Certainly a omega couldn't rule a kingdom with an iron fist, nor conquered several islands"




Red Son, took a sip of his suppressants. It was difficult keeping his heat in check, and keeping it a secret during the earlier stages, but over the years, It became easy and, even when rumours spiraled. He trusted his parents to get rid of it, by announcing a traditional mascular achievement, like the boring excuse he won a horse race or his favorite excuse, scaring all the soldiers from their neighboring kingdom.

It was a way, to get rid of the pestering rumour, that might put a stain in his family's name and reputation.

The rumour, or rather the truth of him being an Omega

It was an old stereotype,that Omegas were weak but, a lot of close minded people still believed that.

Both, his mother and father, were Alpha and Beta, so it was unexpected when they gave birth to an omega. The doctor, and midwifes that helped his parents during that faithful night, was either bribed or slained.

It didn't bother him, that he wasn't an sturdy Alpha like his father, nor a strong willed Beta like his mother.

It never bothered him, Not until that boy came, wondering into his kingdom




Red Son, being a demon, was much taller and masculine, than that human who was short & a bit stubby. Yet, his scent, the trails that the brunette left made him believe that the human is an Alpha.

It wasn't rare, but it bothered him that a peasant was 'biologically' more superior than him.

Qi Xiao, struggled against the bind. His neck was covered in bruises and dark purple bite marks. It wasn't sensual at all, nor was it a pleasant experience.

It was basically hell.

There, was the Prince, a demonic smile plastered on his face.

He now sat down on Xiao's lap, and causally spoke about his day, on how difficult it was to be a prince, as if it wasn't hard that a certain someone, was being held against their will.

"Ah, seeing you is what makes me look forward from waking up and finishing my work earlier than expected."

"If only I was an Alpha, I would have marked you already. I would have claimed you as mine"  Red Son, shifted in his position, still on his lap but wrapped his arms, around his shoulders.

He was now facing Xiao, His prisoner, the captive that he falsely accused as someone that stole from the royal treasury, just to have him arrested.

He, buried his face at the crook, of Xiao's neck, inhaling his scent. It wasn't so visible, quiet well hidden that he even believed the human was an ordinary beta. The crimson haired demon, could only laugh at this cruel destiny. If only he was born something else, than he wouldn't have to resort to this, but at the same time. He, blamed MK's disobedience.

"Just open your mouth. I swear, I'll let you out of this imprisonment soon"

It wasn't so hard to open their mouth, and bite on something. It's a two step process, like eating a gourmet meal.

"Just say ah."

Red Son, felt his heat arise, grinding on MK's thigh, as his hot breath fanned on their neck, desperate for release.

He nibbled a bit and did basically everything to seduce the Alpha, but alas, nothing came. His chosen mate refused to acknowledge his own feelings but that didn't matter— he had all the time in this godforsaken judgemental world.

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