Vows (Part Two) (Inky Pages)

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TW: Toxic and Abusive Relationship, Emotional Abuse, Emotional Manipulation, Victim Shaming, Trauma, and Overall, Toxic Mindset

A/N: It's never too late to leave an abusive relationship. If you ever feel, that your relationship isn't working, or has signs of toxicity, Please leave immediately, and don't tolerate any abuse, from your partner.

Your mental health, is not worth risking.
It difficult to leave a relationship, but It's worth it. Your feelings is valid, and your trauma shouldn't be downplayed.

This applies, to both platonic and romantic too


"You promised me..."

More ghastly apparitions, crept out from the corner, each one resembling like clawed hands. beckoning the man, to succumb to the dark voids, and come back to the dark furred demon.

"What about our vows?"

The other shadows, on the walls manifested itself into a play, engulfing the, now elongated hallway, with purple and inky hues with an old film color as the background. The, shadow play, looked exactly, like the ones that Macaque, would do everytime, the scholar had trouble falling asleep at night.

Who could have thought, the play, that put him fast asleep, could become the single reason why, he'd be haunted in his dreams, and stay awake during those cold nights?

The only light source, was a faint firefly like colour, a hazy one, assuming it emitted from the lantern, that was coming from the dining area but Tang refused to go back in.

It was a trick, a trick to pull him back in, thinking that a single light, would just desuade him, from his decision.

"Our promises?" Macaque's voice echoed, the shadows, manifested into silhouette, into bellswedding bells, to be more premise, that made a sharp noise, ringing with every swing which made Tang's ears, churn and slowly walked away from the scene.

"Listen to me! I never said I'd leave you!" He gripped on his bag shoulder, to avoid loosing his possession, but more importantly, tried to avoid this emotional harassment. "But sometimes in life, People want alone time! I'm not cutting ties from you"

The hallway, only seemed to close in, the walls becoming more narrow,
trying to pull him into the dark void, with hand like apparition, appearing on the edge, tugging on his ankle to make him slip.

Trying, to pulling him into
the dark void.
To pull him back, to them.

"Lies! That's what they all said, That's what HE said"

As, the hallway seemed to close in even more, Tang was already sweating, since he isn't as energetic, as he used too, and made a rash decision to take a sharp turn

The shadows, on the walls, played a story, with two figures, dancing, resembling closely to an old century movie, with Macaque's humming as the only sound, paired with Tang huffing, from over exertion from all these running.

"You promised me....!"  His voice cracked, sounding, oh sodesperate.

The shadow figure, in the walls, breaking down and pulling away, from the other person.

"Under the moon light, practicing our wedding vows.."

The older male, had trouble trying to avoid the ghastly apparition, and shadows, that was overflowing the past comfort of his home.

❛𝐼𝑛𝑓𝑎𝑡𝑢𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛❜ [LMK Oneshots]  (Platonic & Romantic Yandere)Where stories live. Discover now