Eternity (Sun Wukong & MK) (Short Drabble)

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Sucking in a deep breath, Wukong eye's gazed deeply, staring holes at his prodigy's back, when he left once more. The mortal steps, bouncing with every move.

Placing a hand, on his chest. It was beating wildly, churning and in pain, the pain that felt like thousand of needles was piercing through his heart, blocking the blood's passageway. That would, explain why it troubling to try and breath.

Tears, pricked at the corner of his eyes, when his ears no longer heard the soft tapping, nor the breathing of his successor, indicating he left the mountain again.

The immortal being, wanted to scream his heart out and throw a massive fit, He, deeply loved MK, like no other. He cared for the young adult, similarly to what a caring partner or parent would do. The way MK  casually going on with his life, without knowing what the Sage, felt,  was painful—but pain was an understatement. It was pure torture, not even fighting off Heaven's entire court alone, and being casted away from Buddha could compare to the pain.

Even when he faced the twelve rulers of the underworld. It couldn't come close to the way, the lad would just brush off any of his advances; like his request to stay a bit longer.

Forever, doesn't sound that long, anyways.
Perhaps Eternity was shorter?

❛𝐼𝑛𝑓𝑎𝑡𝑢𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛❜ [LMK Oneshots]  (Platonic & Romantic Yandere)Where stories live. Discover now