Cinderella (Part 2) (Red Son x MK)

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Please read the first part, to understand the story!  The Part 1 was supposed to come first and not 2.
I tried fixing the "table of contents" but Wattpad is being a massive douch right now


A/N: :v This revolves mostly around MK's perspective.

Just one thing, I know I described Red Son, as a demon which he is but—Mk doesn't know that.

It's a bit rushed, at the ending.

TW: Third Degree Burns, Damaged and Burnt Skin, Unsolicited Background Check, Hostage Situation, Possessive Behavior, and Toxic Mindset


" I-I don't know but please be patient"

The tanned-skin adult felt a bit frightened by the abrupt voice change, with how the royal heir, emphasized more on the word someday, making his frolicsome and casual demeanor flatter, and wither away. It felt a bit too eerie.

Especially, with how, The Prince's hair was gradually glowing, a bright rosy hue, resembling closely, a radiant lantern being lit up, flowing up into the night sky. The strands, of his hair, slowly curled upwards but reasoned, with themselves that it was just the trick of the eye, and that it, actually was the lantern's glow from the festivities, and not just a comparison.

The Prince's hair, was already an unusual crimson hue, that villagers, would make their favorite subject matter, and, rumors spread, that the royal family had demonic blood flowing in their blood and veins. Of course, Not all demons are scumbags, but they're not respected, more feared, or mocked.

But the young adult reassured himself and blocked out those thoughts, The unnatural hue, was, mm some blessing from God, to have hair-like, flames. The Prince did have a fiery personality, after all.

Even when the brunette was curious to ask about the rumors, whether it was true or just false accusation.

Mk already wanted to leave.

"I, bid you farewell...-" Their voice was strained as if MK, couldn't find the words to say, and his breathing started to fasten, quick and short, was a way to describe it.

Red Son, turned around in a swift motion, facing him when MK bid, his final goodbye. His warm orange eyes were filled with strong emotions, swirling with uncontrollable flames yet looked dull, one couldn't possibly describe the paradox of the Prince's eyes.

He continued to stare longingly at the brunette before waving him goodbye, as well. Although The crimson-haired man didn't speak yet nor said a word for some time, A grin crept through his face, baring off his teeth; teeth that were oddly a bit sharper than an average human.

The taller male, finally took that as his cue to leave, their hands that were originally by the noble's side, started to move towards the doorknob, giving it a small twist for it to open but the knob didn't budge, no matter how much, he tried to rattle or even shake the dark oak door.

Unbeknownst, to the poor lad, that the door, was no ordinary one. It was a mechanical one, created by the Prince, himself.

"Your Highness" MK's mouth uttered the title of the Prince, his face filled with fear, knowing it was almost close to midnight, the door in front of them was locked and the only way to go outside was to hop, off the balcony, and that was a long way down.

Not a human being could survive that, but a demon could.

"The door is locked, I think we're stu-" His sentence was interrupted, as the ebony-haired adult, heard low octave, chuckles, coming from the man behind him, the only heir of the Bull Clan.

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