Insects (Macaque x MK) (Short Concept)

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A/N: I will be honest, I wanted this to be a Macaque x MK, type of chapter, but I could only write a concept, instead of an actual story, lmao

I'm still working on Part 2 of Cinderella, It's taking longer than usual.
I've also reused my old sketch, from Focus.


Prompt: Macaque, tries to figure out his feelings, and doesn't know where the feelings are directed to.

"I have butterflies, in my stomach"

TW: Platonic Yandere, Insects, Body Horror, Organs, Mentions of Blood, and Bodily Harm


A soft cackle rang around the room

A crimson-hued substance spilled out from his mouth, coating his bruised lips with, none other than blood.

Pale hands trembled from this sickening sensation, this familiar feeling.

Where butterflies filled or rather were, trapped inside his stomach to the brim, roaming inside the pinkish-colored organ.

Their wings fluttered vigorously as if the insect was begging to be set free from this confinement yet the adult refused to let them leave his body.

The more unfortunate ones, had their delicate paper-like wings, burnt, dissolving into nothing but ashes, as the stomach acid rose to consume them.

The luckier ones gnawed on the flesh and tasted, their bitter reward.

Was this infatuation or love?
He couldn't tell

It brought him immense pain yet this sickening sensation was something he craved

Blood spilled out of his mouth, coating a crimson hue on his bruised lips while his breath hitched.

Hands trembling from this loving yet sickening sensation where his stomach was filled to the brim with butterflies, roaming inside the pinkish-hued organ.

The luckier ones, escaped from the confinement of the stomach by gnawing on the organ, tasting the iron metallic flesh.

Now, creating a decent-sized hole where the insect would escape, wings bathed in bodily fluids and mainly blood.

It now fluttered all over his body, even to his brain, destroying his sense of judgment and more logical side. Some clogged his nostrils and filled up his entire lungs. This immense pain feeling had overwhelmed him yet the butterflies made him feel giddy, even when he coughed vigorously as one got stuck inside his throat, esophagus.

Clutching his stomach, the feeling became even more
He stalked his object of obsession, training at Flower Fruit Mountain, for some reason. The feeling grew even harsher, more overbearing around him.

Was this infatuation or love?
The label wasn't important to him

All he knows is that he loves this feeling.

❛𝐼𝑛𝑓𝑎𝑡𝑢𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛❜ [LMK Oneshots]  (Platonic & Romantic Yandere)Where stories live. Discover now