Everything, You wish (Macaque & MK & Sun Wukong) (Plain Dialogue)

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A/N: One thing! This is a W.I.P, as I'm working on a chapter for Mei x (Someone Secret) ;v

This, is how I first write a story by creating dialogue before making a very ugly and rough draft, with the actions and settings. It, helps with Writer's Block, because sometimes, you just wanna pour the ideas, than add detail later, lmao.

I'll, also add an extra dialogue to which I used for the Focus Chapter.

The sketch (Also, a W.I.P) is for the Previous Chapter but Wattpad keeps deleting it-


"I miss them.."

"What do you mean? I have every trait they have."

"I mean, Pigsy is good with making noodles-"

"Think again, Delivery Boy. I can cook"

"And Tang tells great stories"

"Don't you like my bedtime stories? "

"A-and, Sandy's arts and therapy session with the cat-"

" I can turn my shadow clones, into cats. I make sure, my fur is extra fluffy for you. It's calming, right?"

" What about Mei's energetic energy, racing, and dancing and doing and-Oh!"

"Kiddo, I can-"

"What about Red Son's Feiry Temperature? His voice always cracks and his just the cutest when mad!"

"Listen Kid, I can also-"

"Oh! What about Sun Wukong's playful-"


" Ekk! I'm sorry.. "

"Listen Kiddo, Buddy, Mk, Pal—"

"Yes, Sir Maquack-Mac-"

"I can be everyone you want, I can be anything you wish to be. I can gain any trait that you desire in someone"


" Listen! I can be anyone in this buddha's entire planet! I can have any personality, attitude! I can act the way you fucking you want! Just tell me what you want! I can be that person!

Please Mk, I'll be whatever and whoever, you want.. Don't leave me, please."

"Macaque , I don't want you to change, Just be yourself. But I just can't
stay with you"


"Monkie King—Its been a week now"

"And? Seems like a couple of seconds now"

"I—Anyways, Can I go and leave now? "

" Why, Don't you like training with me? "

" I mean, Of course I do! I just-just, miss the others, y'know"


"It's been a while, they must be worried now. I promised I message them, when I arrive here, just to be sure but since you confiscated my phone, It's been difficult to do so.. Like! Maybe they're in trouble!?"

" Shush Kid, Don't you like training with the great Sun Wukong? "

" I do! I do but, I just wanna check up on my other friends"

" Other friends? Buddy. Listen Listen. Train a bit longer with me, I promise to let you see them.. sooner or later. "


" Don't look so sad... Kid, Just know you're lucky to hang with the Great Sage equal to heaven. Not everyone gets the chance. Don't you feel lucky? Don't you like me? "

"Of course I do! You're the great Monkie Kid! "

Sun wukong, snickered, knowing how to distract a young teen, It wasn't too difficult to place Mk by his side. He'll do anything to keep him even longer.

❛𝐼𝑛𝑓𝑎𝑡𝑢𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛❜ [LMK Oneshots]  (Platonic & Romantic Yandere)Where stories live. Discover now