Concentration (Sun Wukong x MK)

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A/N: I just wanna share the
old draft, of Focus, because my motivation is going down the drain.

I had it scrap this scene because I felt it was too out of character and I wasn't satisfied with it :'v
This revolves, more around MK's perspective.

TW: Guilt tripping, Narcissism, Gaslighting, Harm, Forced Isolation, Hostage Situation, and Toxic Mindset


Losing count of how much time has passed, The teen's legs dangled on the edge of the cliff, and a small pebble fell off the floor and down to the very bottom. He didn't care,  if a single wrong move made him tumble down like the pebble, at least, He'll have a good excuse to postpone the training for now.

Every day was a complete cycle now. It was either the sun shining, or the moon dimming whatever light it had reflected. The only noise was the crunching of the dried-up leaves and, monks running around the training ground. The only companion he has was, none other than—Sun Wukong.

Speak of the devil, The brunette could feel his presence here.

"Monkie King, It's been a week now" That was a lie, he knew it has been more than a week. It is more than a month or a year? They weren't sure anymore.

The dark-eyed male reasoned with himself, that he doesn't hate the Great Sage, just tired of the constant training, not that the task was heavy or too difficult, it mainly just consist of the sage trying to fondle him, or more unsavory actions.

He was just tired of the constant isolation.

"Hmm, It felt like a few seconds to me" The chestnut-hued monkey, came walking closer to his disciples, with hands behind his back.

"I think, I overstayed my welcome"  Mk, held out their hand in the open, staring at the new scars that covered the healed ones, although he lost count, It didn't mean, The prodigy wasn't distracted or, retarded enough to not know, that more than thirty days have passed. As much as the young adult loved the abilities given to him, It felt too much.

"I need to get back"

"Why the rush? It's not every day, that someone gets to train with the Great Sage, Equal to Heaven" There was it again, the constant reminder, that he was hanging out with the greatest creature of all time.

"I mean, I promised I message them, when I arrive here, just to be sure that I'm safe but ever since you confiscated my phone, It's been difficult to do so.." There was sweat, forming on MK's forehead, and felt the Great Sage kept on watching him like a hawk. Or, a monkey, that's a killing machine but it wasn't too far from the truth.

"I m-mean, Maybe they're in trouble?"

"You're overthinking, bud, or are you just making another excuse to leave the training with the great Sun Wukong? "

"I'm not trying to but, but I just wanna check up on my other friends too"

"Other friends? Buddy. Listen Listen. Train a bit longer with me, I promise to let you see them.. sooner or later. "

The Monkey King, placed one hand behind his back and took a step forward, invading his student's personal space but does it matter, If It was personal? A teacher should be aware of every nook and cranny of their pupil.

"I don't know about that—"

"Don't look so down... Kid, Just know you're lucky to hang with the Great Sage equal to heaven. Not everyone gets the chance. Don't you feel lucky? Don't you enjoy being with me? "

He, pressed his hand, which was covered with light brown patches, of fur with long nails, extruding from his fingertips; could be called claws at this point, and extended out his index finger, tracing a circle on the white fabrics, of the shirt.

His nails, lightly clawing the lad's skin, and single clothing couldn't protect his prodigy, from all those scratch marks.

" tell you the truth. I adore you but-"

"Then no need to rush! You should be grateful to be given more time to, spend with me!"

"I mean, I still do but I..-I have a life outside all these mystic monkey businesses too..." The young adult, spoke out, lips quivering maybe from the cold, or was it the stone-like touch on his chest. It wasn't warm, like a basket of ripe fruits, picked from a tree whenever Wukong would hug him.

This touch, one was cold.

"Tsk, Tsk. I can't have my favorite student get all distracted"

The Great Sage, Equal to Heaven clicked his tongue in utter bitterness, which frightened the boy, shown by how they slowly took a step back, eyebrows furrowed and the corner of his eyes wrinkled, as he knew this was never a good sign.

MK was suddenly shoved off the edge of the cliff, tumbling down and rocks scarping off his knee, He could, easily transform into a flying animal, but was caught off guard and tried to process the information.

"But since you're my favorite disciple! I'll simply grant your wish, as a reward"

Was Sun Wukong, possessed by the Lady Bone Demon? How was the possible, She was defeated or was this, simply another training that Wukong, planned for him, but was this even training? It felt like pure torture.

The dark-haired adult, winced in pain, after hearing what Monkie King, had to say next, but mostly from landing on sharp branches and twigs.

"Have fun, fighting off my clones! Since you love getting distracted so much!"

The lad, watched aimlessly as the Chestnut-hued Monkey flew over him, using the cloud, while he ripped a handful of fur, from his head and blew into it, creating multiple duplicates and clones. It headed towards the prodigy, like a stampede.

"While I~"

It didn't scare him when the clones, gripped his limb, tightly like iron chains to make him stay put, but the next single phrase did frighten him. It shook MK to the core, making him speechless, not saying a single word but his expression said it all.

"—Get rid of the others!"

This was not the Monkie King, he grew to love and care about, This was a Monster like described in the books, on how the Sage could easily be so impulsive or so clingy over something.

" You need to focus, MK!

Those words haunted him, it rang to his ear even when he was no longer visible, the clones kept murmuring it to him as he tried to fend them off.

" Focus more on me"

❛𝐼𝑛𝑓𝑎𝑡𝑢𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛❜ [LMK Oneshots]  (Platonic & Romantic Yandere)Where stories live. Discover now