Vows (Part 1) (InkyPages)

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A/N: I have been big sad, lately :' )
If you haven't checked the announcement, but in nutshell, I'll be writing more scenes, with break up themes or rejection.

No plot, No Logic, Just the feeling of being rejected-
And no, I don't mean rejection from confession, I mean
something else :' >

Anyways, Does, anyone have suggestions, or ideas for Lovesick Tang? I've made Macaque the obsessed one too many times.

TW: Toxic Relationship, Obsessive Mindset, and Implied Low Self-esteem and Insecurities


"Leave me?" The dark-furred demon, spoke out in disbelief, The words left him with a bitter taste in his mouth. He, tried to calm himself down, but his mind flickered to logic to insane assumptions.

The scholar, coughed and gripped tightly on his shoulder bag, that contained essential necessities that could last him for days. "I'm not, leaving you, I just need some time for myself" He forced the words out his throat, which resulted with him stumbling with his words

"Please? I jus-" A plate was thrown at him and simply missed him the man, by an inch.

It made a defeaning sound when the porcelain object, came directly in contact with the floor. The white shards scattered across the dining room, with a single piece flying towards the brown-haired man's direction and, cut through the fabric of the bottom end, of the robes.

That was the fourth plate, this week

"Bold of you, to make that decision"

The anthropomorphic monkey's voice, was dripping with venom, no longer the sweet and gentle tone that Tang, used to enjoy listening too.

"I...What the-" Tang's was speechless, with how badly his black-furred partner reacted, to his simple request about wanting space. He, wasn't timid in nature, so it didn't make make him tremble, but rather was infuriated by their refusual to talk there relationship over.

He, always described his lover as someone that was calm and collective, that contrasted nicely to his, overly excited and curious nature, but for this past few months, It had been different.

Often times, Tang found himself wanting to cut ties with the feral demon, because he couldn't even visit his favorite noodle shop, without being bombarded about questions, regarding his platonic relationship with Pigsy, or if He'd come across with Sun Wukong.

The question, was always met with eye roll and grumbling, that nothing was happening between the two.

It seems, Macaque was insecure and scared, to lose him to another creature.

Shifting his circular glasses, The man sighed, and considered himself to be lucky enough, to keep a straight face and a partially calm demeanor, but that was because of his refusual and mostly self-restraint, to keep his argument from escalating any further.

Even when, the man, in his mid fourties felt he was too old to deal with this shit.

"You really didn't think this through" Their, eyes, illuminated a faint violet hue, as he snickered, chuckling bitterly but fortunately, his taunting laugh fell deaf to the brunette's ear and thought of this situation as something childish and not at all, serious.

"You, can't just walk out and leave me!"

Though, Tang kept a mature facade in the tense situation. It was his partner, that reacted terribly to this. His malignant eyes, reflected the serious expression of his lover, or ex-lover, at this point.

Those eyes, that was calm and still, like a peaceful night was now a surge of tsunami that would drown anyone that dared to look at straight in the eye

That's why Tang took a moment to avoid eye contact, not wanting to get lost in his sea of emotions as he considered himself to be a peaceful person, that was never the type to argue with anyone or cause drama and preferred to settle everything with a reasonable and civilized talk but...

Never thought, this is how his long term relationship, would end.

"My decesion is final!" Tang finally had to step his foot down and could no longer tolerate this unstable behaviou

It was starting to get on his nerves.

"I'll not come back until this odd behaviour of yours stopped!"

The scholar rather not fuel the fight, and call them insane, nor start any crazy conclusion, He didn't dare to tolerate this type of behavior.

After this, He knew that his partner needed therapy or perhaps both of them needed it.

"Now, If you'll excuse me..." The hazel eyed man, took a shaky breath and chewed on his bottom lip before slowly walking away to the front door.

The hallway seemed seem tight and the walls seemed to close, made him feel claustrophobic. Just mocking him that there, was a possibility that he'll forever be confined in this space, he uses to call home with little to no chance of ever leaving.

"I'll be on my way"

The wooden floorboard creaked with every heavy step that Tang took, The hallway seemed to elongate, never reaching an end.

"I-I, already lost too many people"

The shadows, started creeping from the corner, with the furniture being consumed by inky void.

"Lose? I'm not leaving forever. I just need some space, that's all. "

The small house, that once comforted the brunette, a place that be considered, to be peaceful.
Soon, turned into a hellhole.

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