Devotion (Monkey King & MK)

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A/N: Regardless of what you think this is whether the feelings shown are platonic or romantic, This one-shot is meant to be horrific and shouldn't be romanticized

TW: Toxic Mindset, Codependent Relationship, Toxic Worshipping and Dark themes of Religion


In terms of appearance, The Monkie King saw his mortal prodigy as another plain human being; not someone who might catch your attention at first glance.

Not someone, that makes you take a second look.

There was nothing, beautiful nor anything gorgeous about that boy. 

But here he was now, head over falls for someone so— incompetent and young.

In old scriptures, that Wukong stole from forgotten libraries, and ruined temples, including the mere storybooks.

Someone, that is beautiful, wasn't more on appearance, but contributed a bit, nonetheless.

Someone's beauty was defined by how the surroundings reacted to them.

Someone, that could move nature, barely lifting a finger.

As words, could never paint or capture ones essence.

The moon, floated away as it hid behind the clouds out of embarrassment, even it's crisp orb, could never compare, to the person's smile.

The flowers, retuned to their natural form, now a delicate bud, feeling that it's blossomed self, couldn't compare to the person in question.

Soft vibrant petal leaves, plain in comparison to the fine person.

Lastly, The birds frantically chirp non-stop.

Not out of love, but rather out of anxiety, they panic at the mere sight of them.

Poor small critters, anxiously assuming their presence, is completely worthless and simply a waste of life, compared to the person.

But, Mk, No—He wasn't like that.
Nature didn't react to him that way.

They reacted to him, with mockery and shame.

As clutters of branches, would hit him straight in the face, in which path he took.

The sun, always burnt through his core seeped through his skin, turning his once smooth skin, into an ugly bumpy surface.

And the birds, or anyone animals would cling to his face, as an attempt to ridicule him.

The demonic monkey, couldn't pinpoint what the words, were! No, His prodigy, despite the treatment given to him by nature.

Refused to call him hideous. He was far from that but rather just— plain.

He, couldn't see him as beautiful, nor gorgeous.

He couldn't see what made him so special from the rest.

Yet, worshipped every word, that slipped out of the male's tongue.

"Practice time?" Right on time, The male with messy locks, resembling a bird's nest, clumsily walked in front of him,

Edges of his jacket were burnt and ripped from the task given to him.

Despite all of that, MK chipped in, happily waddling towards his role modle, blissfully unaware of his master's unspoken thoughts.

Wukong returned the gesture, with a bright smile, at the bright aura surrounding his apprentice.

He always had nothing to pray for, nothing to even live for.

Nothing to confess his abundant amount of sins, nor devote all his immortal life too, get just a word from MK, was enough to make the powerful being fall down his knees.

If, his successor naively asked, for him to put his life in a stressful situation, just foe the mere fun of it. He would do it in a heartbeat with no hesitation, even if his life was in danger.

"Oh wait, Is that incense?" Mk, caught a whiff of the scent of plum and peaches, It wasn't the same scent as the fruit, but rather a smokey aroma.

He says, his confession— or lie, baseless words freely slipping off his tongue.

"Hmm, Just practicing my Spiritual belief that's all"

"You have someone, you believe in?"

The human was quick to tease, sticking out his tongue, and sporting a toothy grin towards the Sage, spinning around and heading toward the training ground.

' Y o u '

That single word threatened to spill out from his throat, threatening to change their relationship for the worse.

But, Monkey King, after years of living alone— knew to keep that intimate secret to his thoughts, and darker corner of his mind, especially away from his only beloved student.

"Of course! It's me"

A lie, He lied with ease and let out a chuckle.

The demon, soon followed, tracing his steps with ease,

Just to breathe, in the same air as him
In the same approximate.
Following through his steps
Even speaking with him

Made Wukong's fingers twitch in excitement.

His precious prodigy was so close to him.
His presence was so near, yet he knew there were numerous backlashes.

He couldn't just pull him away.

Even when Wukong, wanted to hide the adult, away from this cursed world, plagued with demons and unforeseen forces.

To hide him from all the danger and any unsolicited eyes.

He couldn't.
It would make the brunette, despise him.

Wukong wanted anything but that.

He prayed that in the distant future, His longing, his wish would finally come true.

❛𝐼𝑛𝑓𝑎𝑡𝑢𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛❜ [LMK Oneshots]  (Platonic & Romantic Yandere)Where stories live. Discover now