Distant Memory (Part Two) (Wukong x Macaque)

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Prompt: Someone is breaking down, after all the stress and trauma.
But, mostly because their desperate to have what they want.


A/N: Chapter, is basically Macaque saying a long monologue while choking the living daylights of Wukong, before someone pulls out a reverse uno, lmao.

And, I tend to write Macaque, with the use of Gender Neutral pronouns, such as they/them, Same goes for MK.
But sometimes, I also use he/them for both of them.

TW: Toxic Relationship Mental Torment, Degradation, Desperation , Violence, Abuse, Suffocation, Choking, Implied Death, Huge Emphasize of Mental Breakdown and Unhealthy & Obsessive Mindset.


There was a harsh glow emitting from their pupils, It was illuminating an ugly and muddy purple, to reflect the uglier emotion the ebony-furred monkey was flooded with.

"Y-You, It's always MK this! Mk that! It could never be us again"  The one demon who brought him, true happiness in earlier centuries during their time in Flower Fruit Mountain, was the same demonic creature who stripped them from their own common sense and, lose all their calculated thought process.

Macaque could handle all the verbal abuse or all these, baseless taunts but being told they could never, see their peaches ever again, instantly made them crack.

"Why, Why, Why couldn't it just be us? The hero and the warrior?"

The Monkie King, winced in pain as he got abruptly pushed into the solid ground floor. He, was also loosing his composure but slightly had an advantage since he meditated earlier, to mentally prepare himself, since he knew right from the start, that all his constant taunts would lead to this.

But, having a deadpanned expression to mask away the pain that shook his entire body, didn't help ease Macaque, in this situation.

They needed a sign, that Wukong felt something aside from the constant sarcastic or petty attitude. They, wanted to see remose, mostly guilt or any type of emotion, written on Wukong's face. Even if that emotion expressed pain.

Perhaps maybe—The Hero was guilty for leaving Warrior all alone and forgot about him.

"Why couldn't we just live happily ever after? Why couldn't it be, The Hero remembered the warrior and, they finally lived happily ever after!"

Yet, They saw none of that and it gave off the impression, that the Self-Proclaimed Great Sage, Equal to Heaven was better than them, and all these monologing was just 'useless' to him.


No more, of this. A pair of dark-furred hands, tightly wrapped around the sage's throat which blocked his esophagus. Wukong, made gagging noise, drool dripping down his mouth as he tried to breath in any oxygen, while the crown automatically got activated, squeezing into his head. It felt like, it was crushing his very skulls.

"M-Mihou! J-just stop this madness"  Wukong grimaced, wasn't able to forsee or, defend himself from getting assaulted. He, assumed it was just the usual emotional ranting and wouldn't be subjected to anything physical.

But, Macaque was getting unpredictable.

His chest felt heavy, when Macaque sat on his stomach, and squeezed the living daylights of his, already sore throat
Their purple eyes reflected the piteous and woeful expression of their hostage, But, That didn't make them stop, It only seemed to encourage him more, the shouting becoming louder. 

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